James Dixon Bass Covers with Tabs


Covers with Loud Bass, humour and occasionally tabs, pedals and guitar! My name is James. I've been playing Bass and Guitar for close to 20 years. I am influenced by a huge range of artists from different genres and playing styles that I hope to show in time through the songs I cover. I hope that these videos can help inspire people to follow their passions and pick up any instrument. Be sure to subscribe to my channel for updates on the videos I release.

ABC News


ABC News is a well-known American news organization that provides news coverage across various platforms, including television, radio, and digital media. It is a division of the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), which is owned by the Walt Disney Company. ABC News has a significant presence in the United States and around the world, delivering news and analysis on a wide range of topics, including politics, business, entertainment, health, science, and more. They have a network of reporters and correspondents stationed in key locations globally, allowing them to provide timely and comprehensive coverage of national and international events. ABC News operates a 24-hour cable news channel called ABC News Live, which offers live streaming coverage of breaking news events, original reporting, and in-depth analysis. The channel also airs various news programs, documentaries, and special reports. In addition to its television presence, ABC News maintains a strong online presence through its website, ABCNews.com, and social media platforms. They provide written articles, video clips, live streaming, and interactive features to engage with their audience. ABC News is known for its flagship programs such as "Good Morning America," "World News Tonight with David Muir," "Nightline," and "20/20," which cover a wide range of news stories and investigative reports. The organization strives to maintain journalistic integrity and adheres to ethical standards in its reporting. It aims to provide accurate, impartial, and reliable news to its viewers and readers, keeping them informed about the latest developments happening around the world. Please note that the information provided here is based on my training data up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or changes in ABC News since then.

I video di BastaBugie


Il servizio di informazione BastaBugie è nato dall'iniziativa di alcuni giovani, che si scambiavano delle e-mail con gli articoli più interessanti trovati in internet. Nel 2007 BastaBugie è stato pubblicato in un blog, ed ha preso la forma attuale, con nove articoli alla settimana. I lettori aumentavano di settimana in settimana e nel 2010 BastaBugie, ormai diventato un riferimento culturale irrinunciabile per migliaia di persone, si è trasformato nel sito internet attuale. BastaBugie è una selezione di articoli per difendersi dalle bugie della cultura dominante: televisioni, giornali, internet, scuola, ecc. Oltre duecentomila lettori mensili, decine di migliaia di iscritti alla newsletter, le mail di incoraggiamento, ci spingono ad andare avanti. Caro amico, non perdiamoci d'animo e facciamo di tutto per diffondere un po' di luce in questo mondo. Iscriviti ai nostri canali social e sarai sempre informato sulle ultime novità. Viva la libertà! Viva la verità! Basta bugie!