📀Consciousness: 20 Scientists Explore the Toughest Question (2003) - Archive


https://odysee.com/@ConsciousnessDVD:b Disc 1 1- Dr. Stuart hameroff, M.D. 2- David Chalmers, Ph.D. 3- Nancy J. Woolf, Ph.D. 4- W. Britton, U.A. Tucson Disc 2 1- Dick Bierman, Ph.D. 2- Jack A. Tuszynski, Ph.D. 3- Dr. Andrew Newberg 4- Chester Wildey. M.Sc. Disc 3 1- Paavo Pylkkanen, Ph.D. 2- Dean Radin, Ph.D. 3- Tony Bell, Ph.D. 4- C. Seiter, U. Freiburg Disc 4 1- Dr. Steven Sevush 2- Dr. Petra Stoerig, Ph.D. 3- Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. 4- Susan Blackmore 5- Professor Youngman Disc 5 1- V. Ramachandran, Ph.D. 2- Gregg Rosenberg, Ph.D. 3- Ellery Lanier, Ph.D. 4- Adele Engel Behar 5- Lee Frank, Poet

Tough Topics


Youth want to know the truth, speak it in love, and they want to be ready. Tough Topics is an educational program of instruction on cultural issues and role-playing to prepare teens to have solid friendships – to be attentive and ready to lead each other down paths of health and healing. The purpose of Tough Topics is for participants to gain knowledge and skills needed to seize opportunities in everyday conversations to clear up confusion, affirm common sense, and offer genuine support.