

In 1776, courageous men and women were called upon to stand up for their creator-endowed unalienable rights and protect themselves against a despotic king. They stood as one and made promises to one another regarding their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Most of their names will never be known. Again, the people must defend their liberty from the tyranny of the present. Because of this, we must likewise stand unified beneath our Creator and make the same pledge. We The People 2 is made up of thousands of nameless, faceless, men and women whose names will never be known. We believe that our unity in support of the republic is more important than any financial gain or individual’s ego. Join us to ensure that we never have to tell our children, or our children’s children, what it was once like in America when men were free.

Wolves And Sheeple


There is no left versus right, there is only US versus THEM. I am a lifelong truth seeker and patriot, and I believe that individual freedom is the most important human value. Humanity is under attack, and I believe that the USA is the last stronghold for freedom in the world. Join me as I discuss and analyze the state of the world and cover a myriad of topics that are of great concern. We all need to stand up and stop the global technocrat agenda before it\'s too late. Our children are depending on each and every one of us that have the eyes to see what is going on in this world.\nBitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/n3KCULoVTPX2/\nGab TV https://tv.gab.com/channel/WolvesAndSheeple\nBrighteon https://www.brighteon.com/channels/wolvesandsheeple\nOdyssey LBRY https://odysee.com/@wolvesandsheeplepodcast:3\nLBRY https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@wolvesandsheeplepodcast:3\nRumble https://rumble.com/c/c-413965\nNewTube https://newtube.app/user/WolvesAndSheeple\nDtube https://d.tube/#!/c/wolvesandsheeple\nBittubers https://bittube.tv/profile/WolvesAndSheeple\nBrandNewTube https://brandnewtube.com/@WolvesAndSheeple\nMinds https://www.minds.com/wolvesandsheeple/\nFlote https://flote.app/WolvesAndSheeple\nParler https://parler.com/profile/WolvesAndSheeple/posts\nGab https://gab.com/WolvesAndSheeple\nDlive https://dlive.tv/WolvesAndSheeple\nSubscribestar https://www.subscribestar.com/wolves-and-sheeple\nPayPal https://paypal.me/WolvesAndSheeple?locale.x=en_US\nWebsite http://wolvesandsheeple.com\nYoutube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0R9iA0atMEBBbNr2J9Or0A\nTwitter https://twitter.com/wolvesnsheeple\nSteem https://steemit.com/@wolvesandsheeple\nTwitch https://www.twitch.tv/wolvesandsheeple\nSlug https://slug.com/member/WolvesAndSheeple\nSoundcloud https://soundcloud.com/wolves-and-sheeple-podcst\nPeriscope https://www.pscp.tv/wolvesnsheeple/1zqKVeYZErAxB\nEmail wolvesnsheeple at gmail

We The People Holsters


At We the People Holsters, our intention is to provide customers with access to high-quality and exceptionally crafted holsters appropriate for a full range of purposes. In addition to a comprehensive line of tried-and-true holsters, We the People Holsters also provides custom-designed holsters from only the most talented and experienced craftsmen the industry has ever known. With a product line recognized the world over for durability, practicality, and functionality in all manner of situations requiring an exceptional and reliable holster, We the People Holsters is the preferred option of professionals throughout the law enforcement industry as well as those serving in branches of the armed forces. We the People Holsters stand behind all of our products with a 12-month, no-questions-asked return policy and remain dedicated to providing consistently exceptional customer service.

Philosophy for the People


Philosophy for the People’s mission is an educational program aimed at overcoming the paucity of serious, fair-minded, and accessible philosophical discourse available to a popular audience. Though we are ourselves dedicated to the Catholic intellectual tradition, we are likewise committed to exploring ideas from all rigorous traditions of philosophizing (scholastic, classical, analytic, and phenomenological). We pursue this mission by providing long-form guided readings of great texts, discussions with expert guests, our own open-ended philosophical discussions of issues and thinkers, live question and answer opportunities, in depth lecture courses, and our own articles and book-length writings. Philosophy for the People’s pedagogical materials will be provided either without charge or for minimal cost to assure provision of broad access to first-rate philosophical education. Philosophy for the People Links and Resources Phil for People website: http://www.philosophyforthepeople.com Phil for People on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PhilosophyforthePeople Pat's Substack: https://chroniclesofstrength.substack.com/ Jim's Substack: https://substack.com/jdmadden Pat's "pay what you want" courses: https://pftp.gumroad.com/ Jim's "pay what you want courses: https://jmadden.gumroad.com/ Philosophy for the People on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2TI4Vcy8IPRHHPXRdqMpbG Philosophy for the People on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/philosophy-for-the-people/id1639532152