WhiteStone Industries


A mostly laid-back gaming channel that is in the business of creating a intergalactic industrial empire. Join us as we build, create, destroy, and rebuild in video games. We also have a hint of racing/vehicle content as well as a small dash of real-world vehicle mechanics. Don't be fooled though, the owner is abit on the not so professional side as we are not being able to afford the proper recording equipment nor the proper editing ability as bigger youtube channels. We have henceforth been named a noobtuber. Have a wonderful day and let W.S.I. wish you a positive future. TundraWolf42 - Owner/Operator

MattEliteStorm Is Vegan


(What this Channel is all about??) I'm fed up of these Industries being disgustingly cruel to animals. There Are No Health Benefits To Animal Products, as long as you live a healthy vegan lifestyle. How do you think animals get their nutrients in the first place?? 99% of animals are Factory Farmed. There very shot lifes is nothing but exploitation and misery People think they know everything but actually don't even have any idea about it. .. There are so many dark secrets the meat, dairy, and egg industry really don't want you to know, they are such a evil greedy and cruel industry, and I'm here to help to expose them, and spread more awareness #AnimalRights .. These Industries are incredibly outdated and needs to be put to an end.