New Templars


The New Templars are: Dylan Louis Monroe : - IG: @VeilRemoved3 - IG (off camera) - “Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.” Many who are presently battling for the betterment of humanity are identifying with a Templar-like energy. Whether the original Templars were noble protectors of the light, or war-mongering occultist invaders is debatable. They were most likely a mixed bag of dark and light, as most things are. There’s a similar ‘vibe’ shared between Templars, Archangel Michael the Protector, Christ Consciousness, DJT, Pleiadians, etc. We are anchoring that vibration, and manifesting a new improved timeline.

New Templars Mystery School


We are a group of individuals who love spreading truth, wisdom, and knowledge of spirituality and science that have been hidden from the public in the present day and even from most of history! This channel is an affiliate of the New Templars and DSMP Nexus. A conglomerate of individuals and partners from other channels such as Junk-DNA. Come join our chats and have the opportunity to listen in live and even speak yourself and become a part of the Great Awakening. Links to Telegram, Rumble, Bitchute, Websites, etc. are in the description of the videos. Mystery School Telegram New Templars Links DSMP Links NT Rumble NT Telegram DSMP Website

Biohacking, health and fitness. Helping people restore their health, wealth and spiritual wellness.


Focusing on health & fitness I will help you achieve your goals and get you in better condition than you've even been in, guiding you from getting started to honing your physique. This channel cut's through the BS of the health and fitness industry and give's you a simple guide as to what you need and what is a waste of your time and money. Also enjoy our series 'Templar Tales' and follow the journey and adventures of the Templar Knights.

Introdução a Ordem e ao Templarismo


✠ A Sereníssima Ordem de Cavalaria Militar Padre Anchieta, como diz o nome, escolheu o seu dístico na figura do ilustre José de Anchieta, um padre jesuíta espanhol que ingressou na Companhia de Jesus no Reino de Portugal, ficando ao seu serviço, e um dos fundadores das cidades brasileiras de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro. Foi o primeiro dramaturgo, o primeiro gramático e o primeiro poeta nascido nas Ilhas Canárias. Foi o autor da primeira gramática da língua tupi e um dos primeiros autores da literatura brasileira, para a qual compôs inúmeras peças teatrais e poemas de teor religioso e uma epopeia. Considerado santo pela Igreja Católica, foi beatificado em 1980 pelo papa João Paulo II e canonizado em 2014 pelo papa Francisco. É conhecido como o Apóstolo do Brasil, por ter sido um dos pioneiros na introdução do cristianismo no país. Em abril de 2015 foi declarado co-padroeiro do Brasil na 53.ª Assembleia Geral da CNBB. ✠ A Sereníssima Ordem de Cavalaria Militar Padre Anchieta, advem de ordens afins, com t