Out Of Shadows (2020) - Documentary Exposing Satanism in High Places


The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video. https://www.outofshadows.org/ http://imdb.com/title/tt12131262/

The Whiskey Capitalist Podcast Verified


Welcome to the Til Death Podcast Network!! We have 4 amazing shows for y'all!! Check them out below or here on the channel!! Til Death Podcast - w/ Ian and Jenn, talking about all this marriage, pop culture, news, etc. Full Episodes/Clips: 2 Full EPs per month Follow @tildeathpdcst All links: Solo.to/tildeathpodcast Merch: bit.ly/tildeathpodcastmerch The Whiskey Capitalist Podcast - w/ Ian and Shawn talking about politics, news, pop culture, etc. Livestreams: Mondays @ 9PM ET/6PM PT & Wednesdays @ 6PM ET/3PM PT Follow @WhiskeyCapPod (Join our Twitter Spaces Mondays @ 8PM ET/5PM PT) All Links: Solo.to/thewhiskeycapitalist Merch: bit.ly/thewhiskeycapitalistmerch MoviesMerica - w/ Van, Reviewing all new movies/older classics!! Full Episodes - Every Thursday Follow @MoviesMerica All links: www.MoviesMerica.com Merch: Sippin' With Shawn - ShawnCav talking about politics, news, etc. Livestreams: Fridays @ 5:30PM EST Follow @ImShawnCav All Links: Solo.to/imshawncav Merch:

Naturalist Capitalist Verified


The worst problems in the world are created by morons and manipulators claiming to try fix smaller problems with big government. Whether it's war in the Middle East to "protect democracy," pumping the economy full of trillions of dollars to "avoid recession," or locking us in our houses to "stop the spread," every "solution" is a disaster. We need a more hands off approach, and to search for the truth, which lies somewhere between the official narrative and the intentional counter-narrative we are presented with. Whether in the marketplace or in the forest, nature rules!



"Learn Spanish" is a channel dedicated to providing quality language learning resources and materials for those who want to improve their Spanish skills. The channel offers a variety of engaging and interactive content that is designed to help learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers. Whether you are looking to improve your conversational skills, learn the basics of Spanish grammar and vocabulary, or simply expand your cultural knowledge, "Learn Spanish" has something for you. The channel may feature instructional videos, interactive lessons, listening exercises, and reading comprehension activities, all designed to provide learners with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. With "Learn Spanish," viewers can feel confident that they are getting the tools they need to succeed in their language learning journey.

The Broke Capitalist


"As an author, I try to write stuff people never thought they\'d live to read." Me. A link to my book Our Two Societies. amzn.to/2Rysyko A link to the audio version of Our Two Societies. https://amzn.to/2FBMBwQ A link to the first book in my new historical fantasy fiction series called Ideas in Blood https://amzn.to/2Qo8OAi I am not affiliated with this organization but I love their mission www.endslaverynow.org We have choices. Capitalism or Socialism -- Success or Failure Social -- Equality or Social Justice We can be inclusive and enjoy our liberty and freedom together or let Marxist socialist groups like BLM tear us apart. I employ the very kind-hearted SJW\'s to learn some real history. Hanout out her with me the Broke Capitalist and you will hear some real US history and real Black history. You may also end up doing what I did and just walk away. I believe that misinformation or disinformation about our collective history is directly or indirectly responsible for keeping an unnecessary and harmful chasm within America’s society and other societies around the globe. To our detriment, it has kept our focus on inconsequential differences and not focused on things we all have in common. #capitalismvssocialism #freedom #liberty #blackhistory #Americanhistory #captialism #socialism #sjwowned #sjwcring #blmmarxist #inclusive #empowerment #motivation #enlightenment #politics #realhistory #history #AndreDavis #ourtwosocieties #ideasinblood #Niac #Marshall #sjw #socialequality #socialjustice #gold #silver #purchasingpower



Israel United in Christ is a Biblical Organization that teaches the Gospel of Repentance from Sin to Our People scattered around the world as a Result of Disobedience to God’s Commandments. When you consider the plight of our people, it is one of turmoil and trauma. Our People, the Israelites suffer from a wide range of issues from Self Hatred, and Domestic Violence, to Mass Incarceration and Economic Exploitation... However, The Bible has the Solution to Our People’s Problems. For more information: https://israelunite.org/ Email: iuic.ja@israelunite.org School Phone: (876) 536-9328 Contact person: Officer David & Officer Jonah

Abraham - Overcome Babylon - En Español


Bienvenido a Overcome Babylon en español, donde exponemos el engaño de Mystery Babylon Y rechazamos la religión dominante. Exploramos muchas temas que incluyen la profecía bíblica de los últimos tiempos, el segundo éxodo, la abominación desoladora, la marca de la bestia, el número 666, la vaca roja, las 70 semanas de Daniel, y mucho más. Abraham Ojeda comparte sus puntos de vista sobre las raíces hebreas de la fe bíblica y también la línea de tiempo profética de Yehovah en relación con los eventos mundiales actuales como la pandemia de Covid-19, los cierres de los principales bancos de EE. UU., la hambruna mundial, la guerra en Ucrania y la amenaza constante de una guerra nuclear. ¡El tiempo pronto se acaba y el juicio de Dios ahora se está derramando! Prepararse espiritual, física y emocionalmente es el corazón de este canal. Hecha un vistazo al https://www.setentasemanas.com/ para obtener más informes y artículos.

We Exposed Bluewater The Satanist✔️


●WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS CHANNEL? This channel was born as a result of the perverse and rude behavior of another channel also called Bluewater, which blocks poor users from commenting. Our mission is to expose and warn users about these scam channels like Bluewater which disguise themselves as vigilantes for their ultimate goal: divide the researchers and gain money from bogus "healing sessions", and donations! ●WHO IS THAT OTHER BLUEWATER aka CRAPWATER CHANNEL(without green checkmark)? BLUEWATER is a Luciferian Disinformation channel that sells false hope and stupid scenarios to its followers. It's a scam. ●WHATS THE DIFFRENCE BETWEEN THIS (green boss checkmark) VERIFIED CHANNEL AND THAT SCAM-BW CHANNEL? This true channel is the home of all banished poor users who got blocked for asking a single innocent but uncomfortable question. We are "The Land of The Free" where our lovely and nice users can talk freely and relaxed, without being afraid that they will be marginalized (kind of racism). Because they were treated like garbage, our brothers and sisters with broken hearts and tears in their eyes are welcome here to help each other. Welcome, and speak your beautiful minds, you lovely souls! VS: The other BlowWater scam channel, with 39k followers is basically a CULT. They call themselves "THE family" Like mobsters! The "family" 39k-crew consists only of people between 50-70 years old (nothing wrong with the age btw!) So most of these lunatics kiss each other asses all day long (because they have all the free time in the world) until an outsider asks them a civilized but uncomfortable question. Then the HELL is unleashed! Finally, when the poor user with tears in his eyes is trashed, the big boss (scam BW) blocks him like no tomorrow! Forever! No appeal! No dialog! No warning! The scam-BW coward does not like to be contested! ●HOW HE MANAGED TO DECEIVE SO MANY USERS BY ATTRACTING THEM TO THIS CULT? In these hard times when people are fighting the system and feel alone, they are looking for a refuge that offers them comfort and a sense of friendship. That's why crooks like scam-Bluewater deceive them by forming a false family and direct them to the desired targets. These fools would believe any bullshit they were told. Because it's family! In other words, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That scam channel it's like a weapon! He is an DISINFO AGENT and obviously he will not show his face! ●WHY WAS BW BANNED FOR ALMOST 6 MONTHS ON BITCHUTE PLATFORM? Well, it was the best example of stupidity you can see in your lifetime. BitChute gave him a home, and he spits where he eats. Basically, he attacked a lot of users with absolutely no proof, saying that they are grifters or pedophiles and because they are selling silver & gold they must be humiliated online without remorse. Don't get me wrong, we know they are clowns, but we need evidence not imaginary sources and childish scenarios! This is public space not a ghetto! Obviously, he used hatred and harassment towards them, and this is against the regulations. BW likes to bully people! Obviously he is not an intellectual! And this is how scam-BW victimized himself (believing that he is too important and the Cabal people are censoring him), winning the sympathy of the public and sensitizing them for the future creation of the so-called family. This has transformed over time into a CULT. If you read the comments section, you will notice how blindly the users follow him by believing anything, any stupidity and any kind of crap you can think of! (hopium) Yeah it's a CULT, a true brainwashing machine! ●WHAT KIND OF VIDEOS DOES BW-DISINFO-CHANNEL POST TO FOOL THE IDIOTS? - for women = medical advice (without license; this is illegal!) probably he read online for free - for men = music videos with hot girls thumbnails (CLICKBAIT 100%) - for everybody = fake thumbnails with stupid allegation videos (also Clickbait) about reptillians & clones. His obsession! He IS the KING OF CLICKBAIT no doubt about it! ●LET'S HAVE FUN WITH SOME PEARLS FROM THAT CULT-FAMILY: - they claim that Jesus and Lucifer are the same. It's a SATANIC channel !!! - there is no GOD - They want to ascend in 5D while hating others. Do you see the contradiction? - mostly fit girls are really men - The CULT have offplanet intel (stolen from ATS forums) - Some clowns were executed in Gitmo. Guess what? Next day they are laughing their ass off live on camera! - because of the above, now we deal with clones! Nevermind of Gitmo! Now they are clones! Or wear masks! Or both! As if that The Cabal would spend resources on any clown out there... God forbid that a clown is missing from the online landscape for a few days, that means he "HAS BEEN REPLACED" by a clone! As if the clones grown in trees, this is how cheap they are to grow! - Piss is good for skin. They drink it! They claim it contains minerals! Then, why the fuck they do not separately buy that shit?



Join me on a great odyssey between reality and fiction. For many years we have believed we were living a life in full freedom, when in reality we have been slaves without realizing it. Everything around us is related. The elites or oligarchs have been playing with our interests and our lives in unimaginable ways. Every item, every food we consume is provided by them. It is time to fight back and live our lives in full freedom. Not everyone is prepared for the future. Be one of the few prepared and help others to know the truth. We must share the truth, because the truth will set us free. The truth is absolute and for everyone. Be prepared and be brave for what lies ahead. Godspeed!