The Green House - Irish Homestead


In 2022, after a growing desire to homestead, we decided it's now or never, reflecting on 'let your yes be yes and your no be no'. Within 24 hours we were stood in the garden of a property that would become our home. But first we had to sell our old house in Laois and get through all the challenges of buying a house that was technically not for sale. We wanted a home where we could be more self sufficient and plan for the future. Thank you for joining our journey with us! We will have hints and tips on: being off-grid in Ireland homesteading DIY and house restoration building growing food

CAPT JAKE's Sim Racing, and Gaming


WELCOME to MY Channel! THANKS for supporting this small Rumble and YouTube Channel don't forget to Subscribe!! I'm a Retired US Navy CAPTAIN, after 26.5 years, over 2000+ flying hours, 27 combat missions during Desert Storm, flying the UH-1N Huey. I enjoy making content for fun and other's enjoyment. My video subjects, Videos of the JG1RT (JG1 Racing Team), sim racing, both in Assetto Corsa and Automobilista 2 Videos on Turned Based and RTS Games Limited Videos of Flying Circus and DCS I'm a member of JG1 which is a historically minded online cyber-squadron flying "Flying Circus" and "DCS" as JG1_Snaggle I'm a member of JG1RT (JG1 Racing Team) racing as Gordon Jacobson\CAPT Jake, both hosting and in other racing series. I'm a member of Useless Divison (ULD) in World of Warships sailing as NavyJake Software Used in making the Videos Streaming? Sweet!! 2021.01.29 by Esotic OBS Studio by StreamElements VideoPad Professional by NCH Software