Radio spotify Relaxing music and sounds


Lots of nature and music and sounds to relax, study and sleep well. Enjoy! Much peace to all, welcome to my channel! In this space I will always be posting content related to relaxing, meditating and sleeping well, such as relaxing music for you to listen to in your day to day, whether at work, studying or in times of search for inner peace, with videos, sounds of nature, ASMR and songs to calm the mind and reassure the thoughts. Nature sounds — like rain, birds, forests and waterfalls —, stories and songs to sleep will also be very present here, as well as a lot of content to help in your moments of meditation and search for the well-being of the body, soul and soul. mind. In short, lots of nature and relaxing music to sleep, meditate and study. Hope you enjoy.

The great success led to features on Spotify’s “RADAR: Early Noise 2021”, Apple Music’s “UP NEXT”, and


オルタナティブ、エモ、ラウドロックの要素やJ-ロックにみられるメロディアスなフローをヒップホップに落とし込んだスタイルで稀有な存在感を放つ(sic)boy( 読み:シックボーイ) 2019年にSoundCloud上に公開された楽曲の強度の高さが話題を呼び、昨年10月にリリースされた1stアルバム『CHAOS TAPE』は東京をテーマにした独自の世界観とジャンルレスなサウンドから“ジャンル東京”と称されサブスク合計再生回数は8000万を突破。 Spotify「RADAR:Early Noise 2021」への選出、Apple Music