

Welcome to FragmentsOfTruth, a portal where the boundaries of perception dissolve and reality as you know it begins to unravel. Here, the veil between the known and the unknown is lifted, and every fragment we uncover reveals the deeper mysteries of existence that mainstream narratives dare not touch. Step into a world where consciousness, technology, and ancient wisdom intertwine in ways unimaginable. From the hidden frequencies that govern your mind to the secret histories buried beneath the sands of time, FragmentsOfTruth delves into the realms of the forgotten and the forbidden. We explore the esoteric, the mythological, the scientific, and the spiritual, connecting the dots between cutting-edge technology and lost civilizations, conspiracy theories and hidden truths, mind expansion and the nature of reality. What if the stories you’ve been told were only half the truth? What if the world you know is just a fragment of a much larger tapestry—a web of influences, energies, and forces beyond your wildest imagination? At FragmentsOfTruth, we investigate these hidden connections, from the influence of sound waves and cymatic frequencies on matter and consciousness to the power of smart dust, AI, and the Internet of Bodies. We question the rise of digital identities, 5G networks, and surveillance technologies, and explore how they may shape the future of freedom and control. But this journey goes deeper. We challenge the very fabric of reality and free will, examining the potential manipulation of human consciousness through technologies like the Voice of God weapon, HAARP, and nervous system manipulation. Imagine a world where your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs could be subtly controlled through electromagnetic fields, sound frequencies, and chemtrails laden with conductive nanoparticles. How would you know? And more importantly, how would you break free? FragmentsOfTruth isn’t just a place for conspiracy theories—it’s a hub of alternative thinking. It’s a place where lost knowledge, fringe science, and paranormal mysteries converge with modern innovations and ancient spiritual wisdom. We explore the profound potential of consciousness expansion, diving into the mysteries of the mind, the nature of higher frequencies, and the power to access higher intelligence through intentional thought and action. Join us as we unlock the secrets of transhumanism, explore the truth behind UFO phenomena, and unravel the hidden stories of Atlantis, the pyramids, and other ancient structures that may hold the key to humanity’s true past. This is more than a channel—it’s a journey through the layers of reality, a place where the mystical and the scientific collide, and where you are invited to see beyond the illusion. Each video is a fragment, a piece of the greater puzzle that has been hidden from view. FragmentsOfTruth is your invitation to explore the unseen, to question everything, and to find the path to higher understanding. Will you accept the challenge? The fragments are waiting for you to discover them.



\\\\\\\'Cotto/Gottfried\\\\\\\' is the thinking man\\\\\\\'s current events show. \\\\n\\\\nRather than run with sound-bite-driven \\\\\\\'interviews\\\\\\\' which last only a few minutes or sensationalist \\\\\\\'debates\\\\\\\' where the host shouts down the person being addressed, appropriate consideration is given to diverse ideas. Knowledge, rather than pandering, is the focal concern. \\\\n\\\\nEvery episode is designed to deliver as much information as possible without skimping on conversation quality or denting your schedule.

Guns of the West


My intention in creating this channel is to provide fun, interesting, and hopefully educational videos that are related to firearms, particularly the black-powder firearms of the old west. I welcome your subscription to the channel and truly hope you enjoy spending time here! Thank you for your support! Be sure to follow me on Facebook: Guns of the West merchandise is available here: CONTACT INFO: Email: Guns of the West, LLC P.O. Box 544 West Jordan, UT 84084

ART BELL & Mysteries of the Universe


Art Bell was not only a very soothing and entertaining radio personality but he was also a thinker. I learned so much about the world via his interviews with people like Dr Len Horowitz, Michio Kaku, Richard Hoagland, Graham Hancock and hundreds more. I didn't always agree with the way Art would sometimes be short with callers or his stance on Americas role as the world policeman and war.....but I learned about myself that nobody is perfect....neither Art nor I nor You. I miss Art and know I will see Him again in the afterlife. God Bless You all for finding this channel. I am going to put more effort into it and be the most popular Art Bell channel on Rumble. My channel on YouTube had over 15 000 SUBSCRIBERS until Premiere Radio started putting heat on me so I said I'd rather publish the good stuff than have it removed for the greedy radio corporation that Art made extremely profitable.

Dott. Stefano Montanari e Dott.ssa Antonietta Gatti


Due scienziati riconosciuti in tutto il mondo con all\\\'attivo moltissime scoperte scientifiche inerenti l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'inquinamento da nanoparticelle. Stefano Montanari, bolognese di nascita (1949), modenese di adozione, laureato in Farmacia nel 1972 con una tesi in Microchimica, ha cominciato fin dai tempi dell’università ad occuparsi di ricerca applicata al campo della medicina. Autore di diversi brevetti nel campo della cardiochirurgia, della chirurgia vascolare, della pneumologia e progettista di sistemi ed apparecchiature per l’elettrofisiologia, ha eseguito consulenze scientifiche per varie aziende, dirigendo, tra l’altro, un progetto per la realizzazione di una valvola cardiaca biologica. Dal 1979 collabora con la moglie Antonietta Gatti in numerose ricerche sui biomateriali. Dal 2004 ha la direzione scientifica del laboratorio Nanodiagnostics di Modena in cui si svolgono ricerche e si offrono consulenze di altissimo livello sulle nanopatologie.

AdultBrain Audiobook Publishing. Bringing Rare and Forgotten Books to Audio for the World Verified


Hello. Hey, Welcome to Adult audiobook publishing. Thanks for stopping by. We bring rare and forgotten audio books to the world. Books on Theosophy, Spiritualism, History, Political Philosophy, Forteana, Secret Societies, Magic, Occultism, Mystery Schools, Mythology, Ancient Wisdom, Religion. We'll be highlighting on this channel some very interesting audiobooks. Sometimes it can only be a sample, but when possible we will share the whole book. And hopefully we can find some other creative ways on this channel to bring you some interesting audiobook content. These are just some of the great authors we have now on audio.... H.G. Wells, Manly P. Hall, Charles Fort, Madame Blavatsky , Annie Besant, Henry Cornelius Agrippa Gerald Massey, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles William Heckethorn, Alfred Russel Wallace, John Yarker , Francis Bacon, Rudolph Steiner, Bertrand Russel , Cotton Mather, Joseph Ennemoser, John Robison, A.P. Sinnett, George Bernard Shaw, Margaret Sanger, Professor Ted You can find all of our books at and for the full versions you can go straight to Audible or Itunes/Apple Books. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and comment. We look forward to hearing from you.