Siberian Freedom


Welcome to Siberian Freedom. We are an Australian family living in the Siberian mountains of Altai Russia. Here you can join our family as we build our Siberian homestead, explore beautiful Russian nature and delve into the Russian culture. So come along with us on this amazing adventure into Russia. Follow us on Telegram You can contact us here You can post to us at this address Белокуриха, Улица советская, 1, а/я 187 You can support us on =================== PayPal SberBank +7 992 115 36 54

Csibész a pályán


Legeredményesebb magyar egyéni és csapatsportágaink titkát kutatjuk. Arról a tudásról faggatunk ki bennfentes szakértőket, amely megvan bennük, csak nem nagyon szokták őket kérdezni róla. A különböző sportágak magyar művelésének azonos vonásait keressük, a sikerek mögött álló közös gondolatvilágot, szellemiséget, mentalitást. A magyar sportoló szuperképességére vagyunk kíváncsiak. (Vésey Kovács László szurkoló és Ferenczi Attila futballhagyomány-kutató közös sorozata 2021. augusztus–november között készült.)

Quick Home Workouts


Welcome to my channel! 🖐 Get fit, healthy & mentaly strong with my home workouts. ♡ free fitness videos; ♡ different versions: beginner, with/no equipment, low impact, hiit, quick workouts; ♡ have a look at the YouTube Playlists to filter the workouts depending on your level! 🤸‍♀️ I want to show you my way how I will make my body fit after last pregnancy. It will be not first time for me, therefore I can share my exprerience such as regaining fit body after childbirths. I have learn all experience from my own path and I will be glad to share it with you. I achieve my goals slowly, but surely. I hope my channel will benefit you and give you positive energy!❤️ 🌿 Instagram: oksana_siberga 🌿

SirRussia. Vlogger from Siberia


Hi! I'm Russian. I live in Siberia and show my life. I want people in different countries to see how Russians really live and how people really live in Siberia. I am currently studying English. This channel helps me in learning English, because I communicate in the comments with people from different countries. Subscribe to my channel! I am glad to meet people from different countries! Write in the comments what you are interested in learning about Russia and Siberia.