Things You Should Know News (TYSKNews)


Things in life that you should know. I center around uploading videos that i view (or sometimes start to view) that, when I review it ... it makes me go "Hmmmmmm..... plausable? or closer to truth?" I'm of the opinion that WE ALL were groomed into a system/culture that trusts those that teach us... be it parents, teachers, ministers, etc, etc, etc.... if we were to accept 100% then anything that exists outside of it is widely regarded as non-existant. It's a lot like light. There's a very narrow spectrum of the magneto-electric spectrum that makes visible light we can all see with our eyes. All fine and dandy. Yet, the cabal that controls the world is only interested is trying to get us to0 believe that narrow belief of this visible spectrum (if it was news, science, life, etc) and we are all told to not believe in anything we can't see. It might as well not exist. That is what this channel is about. The things we are told that is outside of the well-held thoughts of what is taught by the sanctioned authorities being the only sanctioned truth. I hold truth as a massive puzzle I'm assembling. If the puzzle was built upon a giant compass, each piece of the puzzle I find is usually either more northward (truth) or southward (deception). Sometimes as I find information, I know it belongs on the puzzle but I will reserve the right to figure out (by future pieces) whether it brings me closer to truth, or farther from it. Eventually, everything will course correct and put me on the path(s) that are all generally going north. Personal ego-less intuition is your highest self. It KNOWS and instantly identifies truth. Often, when someone is surprised by their intuitive nudge that something is different as they believe & ego will exhibit an emotional reflex. Ego is not interested in your highest purpose & well being..

Texas Talkin' with Shilo Platts


Our once great nation is in decline, and it is not overly dramatic to state America’s demise is imminent if good people fail to act. One would only be demonstrating their naivety to declare otherwise. World history is filled with accounts of once powerful nations which perished at the hands of the enemy within. If you have asked yourself what the Hell is happening in America, if you have felt disillusioned, if you have felt helpless, read further, you are not alone. Generations of honorable men and women have sacrificed their lives to preserve these United States, and we will not let the foundation for which they so greatly sacrificed be torn from beneath the good people of our nation. We need you to stand committed with us in reinstalling a government which represents the interest of all Americans, a government which abides by the rule of law, is bound by truth, and adheres to our Constitution. We fight for you, with you--brothers and sisters alike--to reestablish America as a beacon of light, and example of integrity and justice for the world. We are Revelation Nation, the antidote to globalist mainstream media who would have you believe all is well. We are men and women who unapologetically declare our faith in God. We pursue truth at any cost, and hold fast to our conviction that integrity is not to be compromised. We are people who believe in equality, fairness, and justice. We are a movement, not a show, and we invite you to join us. As we see it, it is time for all good people to act!



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