SEALs Beat Biden film Verified

63 Followers The Biden administration is still trying to crack down on over 250,000 brave American soldiers, sailors, and airmen. Navy SEALs, fighter pilots, JAG officers, elite rescue swimmers, and everyday servicemen and women, these patriots are standing up to the woke anti-American agenda that is destroying our armed forces. Beginning in 2020 with unlawful COVID vaccine mandates, these men and women were severely punished for upholding their oath to support and defend the Constitution. Now, many of these elite warriors are leading the fight to protect America from an extremist woke agenda that is breaking our national defense and using the military for social engineering. They have sacrificed their careers to protect the integrity of the military and the American people by lawfully defeating unlawful orders. Join this fight and help us honor these courageous warriors!

The Sixth Seal Ministries


After 13 years of being on YouTube I have made the transition to Rumble, with over 350 videos under my belt, and several attempts on Vimeo as well as other social media outlets ( I have been banned by them all ) Why? For simply providing truth content, speaking counter to the narrative that is being promulgated by the Globalist, I give practical S.H.T.F training ( S.E.R.E school instructor and strong 2A advocate ) along with providing daily news content to help you filter and navigate this web of deceit. YouTube is in their final battle with me as ( THE SURVIVALUST EXPERIMENT ) they continue to shadow ban and are almost done with de-platforming my work. I refuse to comply with their false messaging coming from the W.H.O and that there was no stolen election in 2020. These people are liars and will face eternal condemnation for their service to Satan. Now presenting here on Rumble I will bring you that same Biblical approach to preparing Christians for the Return of Christ. As a Pastor, Evangelist, Missionary and Survival School instructor , I bring you smart solutions to complex issues. This is not a message for the immature but those who are humble enough to accept Truth, presented without filters and balanced by the lens of God's Word. You won't want to miss a single episode. This channel goes beyond the pale of religious traditions or ecclesiastical rhetoric. We don't just invite you to sample the living water but to quench your soul. As an accredited Theologian with a Bth and Mdiv matriculate and over 38 years of walking with Christ as a born again Christian, my understanding of geopolitical events paired with the expositional teaching of the Bible will help you navigate your tribulation(S) as we await the revealing of the 6th Seal and Christ's return. Join me weekly, yes I invite you to grow in strength and go with God and leave fear and uncertainty behind. Luke 1:74 Bro. David Be Saved Follow me also on my other Rumble Channel Mirror site is YouTube ( until they finally de-platform me ) Email:

Sealing God's People


Have you ever wondered if there is more in the Word of God for you as a believer? “Sealing God's People” is for you who are reading the Word of God, seeking diligently for the truth on your own, not following the tradition of denominations or men’s doctrines. God is revealing His present truth to you who are seeking Him with a pure heart. Are you walking in the light as He is in the light? In this series of podcasts, you'll spiritually see yourself going from glory to glory, receiving the engrafted Word which is able to save you. Our Lord JESUS bless you as you Behold the Real JESUS!



Introducing "The Danger Close Alpha Podcast" – a gripping podcast set in a fictional dystopian world of 2084. Join us as we dive into a society divided between blind followers and daring Seekers, all in the backdrop of a reality where truth is a long-forgotten concept. In this immersive series, we explore the gripping tale of a world suffocated by power and control. Cancel culture runs rampant, personal freedoms are extinct, and a once-vibrant society has been reduced to mere followers and leaders. "The Fold," a group that seemingly possesses everything, has given up their personal freedoms in exchange for convenience and security. DANGER CLOSE ALPHA… JOIN THE MOVEMENT…. GET ON BOARD… EDUCATE YOURSELVES AND RESIST BEING A PART OF THE FOLD… BE A SEEKER…. QUESTION EVERYTHING, TRUST NOTHING!

World Truth Unveiled and Prophecies Unsealed


Welcome to Emunah Nation, your go-to destination for biblical prophecy, world prophetic events, Bible teachings, motivation, and encouragement. Stay informed on world news and current events from a Christian perspective, as we bring you reports on Israel, the Jewish community, and Christians around the globe. Our channel offers inspiration and spiritual enlightenment through conversations, angelic encounters, Bible studies, teachings and world prophetic news. Join us on this journey of faith as we explore the teachings of Jesus (Yeshua), the Holy Spirit, and Yahweh. Our educational and informative videos aim to provide you with the tools to strengthen your faith and enhance your understanding of the Bible. As we delve into topics such as prophecy, the apocalypse, and the end times, we also offer motivation and encouragement to help you stay positive and focused. Join the Emunah Nation community today and discover the power of faith, hope, and love.