Out Of Shadows (2020) - Documentary Exposing Satanism in High Places


The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video. https://www.outofshadows.org/ http://imdb.com/title/tt12131262/

The Synagogue of Satan


The Jews and their Lies! -- John | Chapter 8 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/John-Chapter-8/ -- Romans | Chapter 2 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Romans-Chapter-2/ -- Titus | Chapter 1 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Titus-Chapter-1/ -- Revelation | Chapter 2 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Revelation-Chapter-2/ -- Revelation | Chapter 3 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Revelation-Chapter-3/ -- -- Jesus In The Talmud: https://framingtheworld.com/store/ols/products/jesus-in-the-talmud -- -- The Iconic KJV Bible https://rumble.com/c/c-5377247 - The Iconic Christian Walk https://rumble.com/c/c-5582711 - Marriage In Light of the Bible https://rumble.com/c/c-5376387 - Feminism In Light of the Bible https://rumble.com/c/c-5375267 - The Sodomite Agenda https://rumble.com/c/c-3178108 -- -- ABOUT ME: I am a Christian that doesn't hide my bias. I view the world with a Baptist Bias. (Thank You To: https://rumble.com/c/TheBaptistBias) This means that I view the world through the lens of the King James Bible. While culture, opinions, and man's philosophies may change, the Word of God never changes. As we watch the accelerated deterioration of our culture and the vanishing of intelligence and adherence to truth in our nation, I seek to bring America the reality check she so desperately needs through organized videos from real men of God, today's watchmen. As our country debates over whether two plus two really equals four, or contemplates the question of, "can a man get pregnant?" what will be posted for you is the discussions the main stream media and the TV preachers will never bring you.

We Exposed Bluewater The Satanist✔️


●WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS CHANNEL? This channel was born as a result of the perverse and rude behavior of another channel also called Bluewater, which blocks poor users from commenting. Our mission is to expose and warn users about these scam channels like Bluewater which disguise themselves as vigilantes for their ultimate goal: divide the researchers and gain money from bogus "healing sessions", and donations! ●WHO IS THAT OTHER BLUEWATER aka CRAPWATER CHANNEL(without green checkmark)? BLUEWATER is a Luciferian Disinformation channel that sells false hope and stupid scenarios to its followers. It's a scam. ●WHATS THE DIFFRENCE BETWEEN THIS (green boss checkmark) VERIFIED CHANNEL AND THAT SCAM-BW CHANNEL? This true channel is the home of all banished poor users who got blocked for asking a single innocent but uncomfortable question. We are "The Land of The Free" where our lovely and nice users can talk freely and relaxed, without being afraid that they will be marginalized (kind of racism). Because they were treated like garbage, our brothers and sisters with broken hearts and tears in their eyes are welcome here to help each other. Welcome, and speak your beautiful minds, you lovely souls! VS: The other BlowWater scam channel, with 39k followers is basically a CULT. They call themselves "THE family" Like mobsters! The "family" 39k-crew consists only of people between 50-70 years old (nothing wrong with the age btw!) So most of these lunatics kiss each other asses all day long (because they have all the free time in the world) until an outsider asks them a civilized but uncomfortable question. Then the HELL is unleashed! Finally, when the poor user with tears in his eyes is trashed, the big boss (scam BW) blocks him like no tomorrow! Forever! No appeal! No dialog! No warning! The scam-BW coward does not like to be contested! ●HOW HE MANAGED TO DECEIVE SO MANY USERS BY ATTRACTING THEM TO THIS CULT? In these hard times when people are fighting the system and feel alone, they are looking for a refuge that offers them comfort and a sense of friendship. That's why crooks like scam-Bluewater deceive them by forming a false family and direct them to the desired targets. These fools would believe any bullshit they were told. Because it's family! In other words, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That scam channel it's like a weapon! He is an DISINFO AGENT and obviously he will not show his face! ●WHY WAS BW BANNED FOR ALMOST 6 MONTHS ON BITCHUTE PLATFORM? Well, it was the best example of stupidity you can see in your lifetime. BitChute gave him a home, and he spits where he eats. Basically, he attacked a lot of users with absolutely no proof, saying that they are grifters or pedophiles and because they are selling silver & gold they must be humiliated online without remorse. Don't get me wrong, we know they are clowns, but we need evidence not imaginary sources and childish scenarios! This is public space not a ghetto! Obviously, he used hatred and harassment towards them, and this is against the regulations. BW likes to bully people! Obviously he is not an intellectual! And this is how scam-BW victimized himself (believing that he is too important and the Cabal people are censoring him), winning the sympathy of the public and sensitizing them for the future creation of the so-called family. This has transformed over time into a CULT. If you read the comments section, you will notice how blindly the users follow him by believing anything, any stupidity and any kind of crap you can think of! (hopium) Yeah it's a CULT, a true brainwashing machine! ●WHAT KIND OF VIDEOS DOES BW-DISINFO-CHANNEL POST TO FOOL THE IDIOTS? - for women = medical advice (without license; this is illegal!) probably he read online for free - for men = music videos with hot girls thumbnails (CLICKBAIT 100%) - for everybody = fake thumbnails with stupid allegation videos (also Clickbait) about reptillians & clones. His obsession! He IS the KING OF CLICKBAIT no doubt about it! ●LET'S HAVE FUN WITH SOME PEARLS FROM THAT CULT-FAMILY: - they claim that Jesus and Lucifer are the same. It's a SATANIC channel !!! - there is no GOD - They want to ascend in 5D while hating others. Do you see the contradiction? - mostly fit girls are really men - The CULT have offplanet intel (stolen from ATS forums) - Some clowns were executed in Gitmo. Guess what? Next day they are laughing their ass off live on camera! - because of the above, now we deal with clones! Nevermind of Gitmo! Now they are clones! Or wear masks! Or both! As if that The Cabal would spend resources on any clown out there... God forbid that a clown is missing from the online landscape for a few days, that means he "HAS BEEN REPLACED" by a clone! As if the clones grown in trees, this is how cheap they are to grow! - Piss is good for skin. They drink it! They claim it contains minerals! Then, why the fuck they do not separately buy that shit?

The Satanic World Economic Forum (WEF) And United Nations (UN) Great Reset


These videos contain information regarding our current social and political environment. What is happening to the world? Why has evil overtaken our churches, our government, our education system, and all those things we hold dear? Is there something hiding in the darkness that we do not know about? Where has the goodness gone? What has happened to common sense and courtesy? Was it planned to be like it has become? The answer to that is yes. We are in an unprecedented 5G information war with the deep state cabal (globalists, elites) who plan to control the world, genocide humanity down to 500 million (easier to control that amount of people) and force the 500 million to be their slaves. We've been under a Shadow Government for hundreds of years. To them, we are useless eaters and far beneath them. One of their santanic statements states, "You will own nothing and be happy." They hate us so much that they want to genocide the world down to 500 million, so that we are easier to enslave and control. Through these films you will learn about things that will blow your mind! You will be disgusted, appalled and shocked about the most nefarious, vile beasts who contaminate our precious earth. You'll be on the edge of your seat due to what you will learn. To understand how the Patriots are defeating these globalists, please watch videos on my channel entitled: The Plan To Save The World -https://rumble.com/c/c-6610805. These videos explain how these elites will completely be destroyed, saving the peoples of the world from ultimate destruction. They had a 16 year plan, decided upon decades ago, which puppet Obama was successful in completely the first 8 year plans, exclusive of talking our guns. The second 8 years was to force the world into a nuclear WWIII and complete other nefarious actions (no more Constitution) had satanic witch Kiliary Clinton won the 2016 election. The Plan videos explain why we are under a continuation or continuity of government (COG), known by Anons from "Q - The Plan To Save The World. They explain why the COG was necessary, when it began and how it was established, based on military and federal laws and orders. I recommend you follow Derek Johnson, @1776RatteTrap, who has photos of Trump and him together when he visited Mar-a-logo nine times for details with evidence about the COG. Derek has also written a book called "The Midnight Rider Rides Again, a basic easy to understand blueprint of The Plan. He describes that the COG is based on President Donald J. Trump's Executive Orders (EOs), which "resident" plugged actor, Joe Biden, continues to extend. (Have you noticed how he gets taller one day, shorter the next; how his face, ears, chin and neck are contorted; or how many times he got Covid, although he's been vaccinated several times? Didn't he say you won't get Covid if you get vaccinated?) And, why does Trump keep saying he's shot in the head? Maybe the "real" Biden was executed by military tribunal in 2016.) When it comes to caring about America, Trump and Biden are total opposites. So, why would Joe continue to extend Trump's EOs? We know how much he prefers Ukraine over America. Hasn't Joe given billions and billions of dollars (money laundering) to Ukraine? What has he done for America? He's hardly done anything, except give us a tiny Covid check. He has hated America since he took office 50+ years ago. He's been a deep state puppet since his first day. Isn't it time Congress had term limits? They only made term limits for the President and not themselves. This is the reason we have corrupt career politicians. This action was used by the deep state to install their puppets. Do you understand why we have Dominion voting machines and mail boxes for votes? Some refer to our elections as rigged or they cheated, but I call it what is truly is - the overthrowing of We The People's government. The deep state wants a NWO, a one world government, referred to as The Great Reset, which was designed to enslave us (they call us useless eaters), into complete slavery. They promised we would eat bugs, own nothing and be happy. Whereas there were many America First Patriots who decided to obliterate the deep state's USA Inc and it's Federal Reserve (IRS is usury), plus prosecute and convict those who are corrupt and treasonous via military tribunals. We are in a COG/military occupation, because Trump announced nine (9) National Emergencies. At that time, the Democrat-held Congress and Rinos (Republicans in name only), known as the deep state Uniparty, failed to act upon those emergencies; thus, breaking their oath to uphold the Constitution. They also used the January 6th protest (which they arranged - Pelosi admitted she was responsible) to rush the vote for the certification of the stolen 2020 election The deep state used the staged January 6 (J6) protest to avoid discussing the complaints regarding highly suspect discrepancies in certain state's voting tallies. Guess what that means? It is a coup de'tat; they overthrew our government and sitting President Trump. This is why you need to understand the significance of why this had to be done. The majority of our three letter agencies are corrupt. Do you honestly believe that the corrupt DOJ and FBI will investigate, arrest or convict their own? No! That is why they never get caught in their crimes, because they cover it up. Since the laws and order were broken, Trump became a war time president (like Roosevelt did; a video has been uploaded of DJT's statements) and announced that fact many times. Being that we are at war with domestic enemies (deep state who infiltrated America from within and has been destroying everything we hold dear), our Constitution was paused. According to General Flynn, we have been in an unprecedented, 5G information war with the deep state for many years. Trump also announced we are in a different kind of war. The great news is that Trump has stated often that we are in The Pause-the four year Biden residency to expose the deep state crimes and treason, and we are now in the final battle!" Americans have witnessed a massive, controlled military operation that was strategically and critically planned, which successfully trapped the Washington establishment. Some had to confess all their crimes and play a role in this operation piece by piece. Americans had to visually see and witness a "continuation of government" in the form of a "presidential administration" where these corrupt and evil people will destroy their system from within, have, and will continue to spend all their dirty money on it until it is time for the military to visually intervene. The timelines for the The Plan all come together to prove the military operation and occupation: 1) the snake poem read by candidate Donald Trump - January 2016; 2) the presidential election November 2016; 3) on November 9, 2016, President-elect Trump and Putin on Fox News communicated that Putin is "ready for 'reset'...I will work with Trump;" 4)martial law manual (military occupation and negotiations, etc.) completed December 2016; and 5) the military justice act (Supreme Court clarifies that military law is separate from civil law; strong emphasis on terms "military court") in 2016. To date, all of President Trump's promises have come to fruition. Believe it when he often states, "The best is yet to come." God is bringing satan's darkness into His light, because nothing can stop what is coming! and Where we go one, we go all. Stay vigilant Patriots, keep the faith and be at peace. Pray for your whole armor of protection from Ephesians 6-10. The Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! #NCSWIS #WWG1WGA #Q #ANON If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on Gab: https://gab.com/JudyRivers; https://x.com/TheFortuneRpt; https://truthsocial.com/@JudyFortune

Illuminate Mother Of Darkness - Delivered From Satanism


This collection of videos consist of interviews done with Jessie Czebotar, including her personally produced videos regarding her involment and delivery from satanism. She was previously designated and groomed by the Illuminate (deep state cabal) as a Mother Of Darkness, and miraculously delivered by Jesus Christ from satanism at the age of three. Because her family was involved in very high positions in the Illuminate, Jessie was chosen at a young age to take a very high position within that cabal, but the Lord had other plans for her. Her salvation in God became a catalyst for His plans to bring the cabal to its end.Her vision to help others escape their nefarious slavery is not only inspiring, but fascinating. Be prepared to deal with cognitive dissonance in order to truly receive these truths. Jessie is a Chaplain who has worked with US veterans in hospitals, hospices, and in the community setting for more than ten years. Through her ministry, "Illuminate The Darkness," her mission is to create awareness regarding the issues of satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and human trafficking. She speaks weekly on several platforms, including The Reveal Report, Aquarius Rising South Africa, and David Zublick. You can also find much of her work on Right On Radio, as well as on her websites IlluminateTheDarkness.com and KingdomLivingWithJessie.com. Jessie has authored three books: His Kingdom Comes In Power, The Anointing Overflows, and 5 Minutes Of Grief With God. All of her books are available on Amazon. Her course entitled "Dominion And Authority" is available on RightOnU.com. Her eyewitness testimonies of SRA can be found on the website of Timothy Charles Holmseth: timothycharleesholmseth.com. Jessie brings a depth of knowledge on how to fight the darkness for God's glory in a way very few people can. Through her loving, humble and unwavering offer of truth, she continues to impact countless lives, both in the US and around the world. Thus, may God's truth set all captives free from satan's bondage. As Q states, "Dark To Light."

Les contrôleurs sataniques


La grande majorité des gens pensent que nous sommes dans une démocratie où les peuples peuvent élire leur chef d’état. Ce n’est pas le cas, la démocratie est un jeu biaisé et inventé par ceux qui tirent les ficelles du pouvoir. La famille Rothschild est l’une de ces puissances financières qui propagent l’apocalypse sur terre. Les vidéos de cette chaîne vous montreront l’envers du décor, elle vous fera toucher du doigt la matrice. En fait, il est très difficile de rejoindre les points mais une chose est sûre, il est question de religions, de juifs, de sionistes, de franc-maçons, de jésuites, d’esclavage, de génocides, de massacres, de guerres, de pédophilie, de satanisme, de Lucifer, de Baphomet, de la rose croix, des templiers, du Vatican etc…