

Want to subconsciously learn while being entertained? Then subscribe!! My videos are also available on Odysee in the link below, in case YouTube decides to remove them. Subscribe there too: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@ElectroBOOM:9 My twitter: https://twitter.com/ElectroBOOMGuy My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mehdi_sadaghdar My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ElectroBOOM If you like my content and like to support your favorite creator, you can visit my page here: http://www.patreon.com/electroboom Check my Merch and T-Shirts at: https://teespring.com/stores/electroboom And I have some articles in my website: http://electroboom.com See my awesome and generous sponsors here: https://www.electroboom.com/?page_id=727

Robito Chatwin


Hello! ツ My name is Robert (robito) Chatwin. I am a qualified hypnotherapist with a strong passion for deepening connection to our own subconscious, and a unique freedom-focused approach to healing. Our freedom comes from within. We are the heroes. We are the solution. We are the ones we are waiting for. Robito's freedom-focused work provides global support as we the people heal our wounds from past and current events and take back the power and control over our own lives. Go to http://robito.info ⚡️

Robo Disco Gaming Verified


Hello all! 🙌 I'm JP, I play pretty much anything that peeks my interests and I play them strictly in ultrawide! If you have any ideas on games you'd like to see on the channel, shoot me a message in-chat and I'll see if we can make that happen.💕 Schedule: Monday @11am Wednesday @5pm Thursday @5pm Time Zone: EST (UTC-5) https://blerp.com/x/robodisco_gaming https://blerp.com/downloads https://www.twitch.tv/robodiscogaming https://www.youtube.com/@RoboDiscoGaming-mp5un buymeacoffee.com/robodiscogaming Thanks so much! JP Dos