The Ravengirl


Hey people! WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL. My name is Melody but on here I'm called 'The Ravengirl'. Here on my channel I cover a mixture of interesting and entertaining things, my main subjects being Magnet Fishing and Urbex. Other things include Metal Detecting, Wombling, Geocaching and Gaming. In my own spare time I have also acquired several awards for boxing. So come join me on here and make this channel great! 😁 Please remember to click the Subscribe button and share my videos. Thanks guys. 👍 HAVE A GOOD DAY!

Young Paperwork & The Villain Broadcast


This channel is a place for conversations of all types from dating, reaction content, long form discussions, short discussions, sports, politics and more. The idea is to have nuanced discourse about these subject matters so that people from all walks of life can take something from the discussions. Unity not division although, obviously, some more serious conversations could trigger some, but do your best to be understanding. Let's have a good time!