Rumham - Shmah Hatred


Shmahs channel for RumHam Content 1.Be mindful to other chatters even if they say something u might not personaly like. We’re all frens here! 2.This is not a therapy session; it's a show for entertainment!!! I want everyone to be themselves and have a good time. Anyone who’s giving the chat bad vibes will be given a warning but if they continue then they will get banned. This applies to everyone, even subscribers. 3.No Links or self promotions in my live chat. You can do that in the appropriate channel in my discord server Merch - Linktree -

Freedom Has A Voice - Dylan Oakley


Freedom Has A Voice is a self-funded, frontline ministry dedicated to declaring truth and fighting for our innate, God-given freedoms. Through our face-to-face and online ministry of encouragement, we remind people they are not alone and we help empower them to lift their voices for righteousness, truth, and justice. We can't do it alone. To make a financial contribution and partner with us in the ministry, please transfer your gift directly to Freedom Has A Voice (A/c: 46 259 4763, BSB: 084-034) or make a donation at

TV Telugu Shows: Telugu Serial Actress Latest Photos


Letting you know about popular Telugu drama series and Telugu serial Actress latest photos and videos is one of the parts of our entertainment. Our channel presents upcoming review videos and new twists of Telugu dramas selected by the viewers. The parts of the series that you will get on a regular basis are, Ennenno Janmala bandham, Guppedantha Manasu, Janaki Kalaganaledhu, Brahma Mudi, Gruha Lakshmi, Krishna Mukunda Murari, So if you want to be a part of our family you can join us by subscribing to the Mummypack channel.”Parts of the mentioned series are delivered to the serial lovers by regular release of quality videos on MummyPack channel.Stay tuned by subscribing to our channel to keep yourself updated to find out about the popular series”

FaktenJäger – Wahrheit ohne Zensur


👉 FaktenJäger ist ein unabhängiger Kanal, der sich mit den wichtigsten Fragen unserer Zeit befasst: Klimawandel, soziale Manipulation, wahre Geschichte und globale Zusammenhänge. Hier findest du unzensierte Informationen, kritische Analysen und spannende Enthüllungen, die zum Nachdenken anregen. 🔍 Unsere Mission: Wahrheit ans Licht bringen und die Menschen dazu inspirieren, hinter die Kulissen zu schauen. 📢 Folge uns, wenn du die Wahrheit suchst und dich nicht mit oberflächlichen Erklärungen zufriedengibst!