Nueva Biología


Esta iniciativa nace con la necesidad de luchar por un profundo cambio en el paradigma biológico, a través del fundamento científico, la libertad y sobre todo la verdad. La biología ha sufrido desde la Revolución Industrial un proceso de comercialización, que ha desembocado es su uso como arma contra la población. Actualmente, nuestra sociedad vive temiendo a la naturaleza debido a mentiras tales como que «los virus son asesinos» o que «los animales pueden trasmitir enfermedades pandémicas que acaben con la Humanidad». Y todo ello, según nos cuentan, debido a la destrucción de la Tierra, que en realidad, están llevando a cabo las grandes corporaciones depredadoras. Excusa perfecta para librar a la sociedad humana de sus derechos, convirtiéndoles además en culpables de este sistema socioeconómico feroz, en el que la biología de los seres vivos nada tiene que ver y sí la avaricia de algunos seres humanos. La verdad que nos esconden es clara, jamás van a solucionar la destrucción masiva que sufre nuestro planeta y tampoco quieren que nos enteremos que la biología es de una belleza espectacular, que los virus son el origen de la vida, que sin ellos no existiríamos y que forman parte mayoritaria y esencial de los genomas de todos los seres vivos. Convertirlos en enemigos es un atentado contra la vida en sí misma y un negocio redondo para algunos. Para luchar contra esta inmensa cantidad de desinformación, hemos creado esta plataforma. ¡Os esperamos!

The Resistance w/ Sheriff Alex Villanueva


Sheriff Alex Villanueva was the 33rd Sheriff serving LA County. Before becoming Sheriff, he was a lieutenant with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and served in the United States Air Force and the California Air National Guard. Known as a “reformer,” Sheriff Villanueva never backed away from a challenge in an effort to protect his deputies or the people of LA County. “I am very excited to connect with the public on this new platform,” said Sheriff Villanueva. “Even though I am out of office, the fight continues. We are at a crossroads at which many of our elected officials are no longer serving the public. They are serving themselves and their individual interests. I want to stand with the people to fight the corruption. We are the resistance that will save our state and the country.” “The Resistance with Sheriff Alex Villanueva” will feature top news and issues of the day along with guests, including law enforcement officers, community leaders, experts on public safety and more! Listeners are encouraged to call in and participate at 818-818-6401 and submit questions on Instagram at @SheriffVillanueva33. Connect with the show on the CRN App. Dial #250 on your Smartphone and say “CRN.”

Unusual Things Verified


I'll be visiting Famous graves, well known Grave stones, Filming locations, Crime Scenes, and unusual things.... Please join me on my journey. So far I've been to George Michael, Robin Gibb, The Krays, Amy Winehouse, Rod Hull, Buster Merryfield, Benny Hill, and Sir Alec Guinness from Star wars Graves amongst many others. I’ll be visiting as many famous graves as I can from pop stars, movie stars. Tv stars, comedians and many more. I joined Youtube to take you on this journey with me, so that I can film as much as i can in different places such as filming movie locations, cemeteries, paranormal, and anything unusual. If it’s weird, wonderful or unusual I want to be checking it out and finding out more. All the video work, (filming and editing) that I conduct is ©Unusualthings and you are prohibited from using it without my prior permission. Thank you