National Citizens Inquiry Canada | NCI Clips
857 FollowersCheck this channel often to see all of the NCI short clips, reels, raw testimonies, and other great content. We encourage you to share these clips on all your platforms. As always, hit the thumbs-up button on all our videos if you like them!
National Citizens Inquiry Canada | NCI Live
646 FollowersWelcome to the NCI Live channel, where we will post our livestream events, press conferences, roundtable discussions, witness interviews and more! NCI Rumble Main Channel: Follow the NCI's other channels as well!
National Citizens Inquiry Canada | NCI Hearings
520 FollowersFollow us here for our archive of the NCI 2023 hearings, in their full day format. Follow more NCI Channels here:
National Citizens Inquiry Canada | NCI Witness Testimonies
202 FollowersFollow us here for our extensive archive of witness testimony at the NCI hearings, and in virtual testimony. Follow more NCI Channels here:
National Citizens Inquiry (Volunteer Edition)
156 FollowersA chronological ordering of witness testimonies from the National Citizens Inquiry
76 FollowersInternational Citizen
5 FollowersInternational Citizen oferuje różnorodne treści dotykające tematyki biznesu, relacji oraz stylu życia. Poruszane zagadnienia obejmują relacje interpersonalne, przedsiębiorczość, a także kulturowe i biznesowe różnice pomiędzy Zachodem (w tym Polską i Wielką Brytanią) a Filipinami. W treściach prezentowanych na kanale można znaleźć zarówno osobiste doświadczenia, jak i profesjonalne spojrzenia różnnych osób.
Citizen Letter City News 24 International©
1 FollowerOpen letters - videos and messages
International citizenship is what Z,Y,and X belong to
1 Followerfrom millennial to Z, Y, and generation X