

Hola Amigos. Bienvenidos a mi canal. Este canal no trata un tema en particular. Sino que abarca determinados temas cómo: Documentales, Entrevistas interesantes, tutoriales, Avances tecnológicos, Trashumanismo, Películas, Informes de actualidad y otros temas El objetivo es divulgar la verdad basados con datos y fuentes. Y que cualquier persona pueda verificar. En tiempos de tanta confusión sobre la información que circula a través de las distintos medios de comunicación. Es importante que la información sea divulgada a la opinión pública y no que sea ocultada. Después, cada uno sacará sus propias conclusiones. Muchas gracias a Todos por ver mis contenidos y los invito a suscribirse. Welcome to my channel. Hello Friends. Welcome to my channel. This channel does not deal with a particular topic. But it covers certain topics such as: Documentaries, interesting interviews, tutorials, technological advances, Transhumanism, Movies, Current reports and other topics The objective is to spread the truth based on data and sources. And that anyone can verify. In times of so much confusion about the information that circulates through the different media. It is important that the information is disclosed to the public opinion and not that it is hidden. Then everyone will draw their own conclusions. Thank you very much everyone for viewing my content and I invite you to subscribe.



This Channel Hosts Various Content That Reinforces The Philosophical Suggestion That, In The Same Manner As A Human Has A Semi-Conscious Mind, Which Betrays The Conscious Individual - So Too Does The World Have A Semi-Conscious Mind, Which Betrays The Direction That The World Ends Up Supposedly Consciously Taking. In The Same Ways As One Refers To A Semi-Conscious "FREUDIAN SLIP" Or For That Matter The Deep & Hidden Psychological Significance Behind The "RORSCHACH TEST" - Is The Same Way In Which, FOR THOSE THAT HAVE THE EYES TO SEE, The Human's Creation Of Art Indicates And Betrays, The Thinly Veiled Direction That, General Habitual Life Is Being Semi-Consciously Influenced Into Taking, By The External Influences Of Culturally Imposed So Called Life. It Is In This Way, That Certain Essential FILMS And MUSIC Reveal Certain Essential TRUTHS, About The Governing, Psychological, Ordering And Dominion Of HUMANITY, As A BODY Or ORGANISM. PEACE & LIFE PROFOUND