Working Out with Maja and Dianne


Hello and welcome to our channel! :) We are here to help you through your fitness journey with lots and lots of workout videos and some fun and laughs as well, because we believe that a workout should be fun and it\\\'s always more fun in good company. Our background is in various workout programs such as dancing, aerobics, pilates, yoga, running, hiking and walking and we have years (oops!:)) of experience in fitness, so our videos include different types of workouts and range from beginner to advanced levels. We hope you join us so hit the Subscribe button and let\\\'s workout together! :)

Crisanne Galaske


Seja bem vindo(a) a nossa página de assuntos do mundo, destinos da humanidade, despertar espiritual crescente, saúde através de recursos naturais, relacionamento, espiritualidade, terapias holísticas, vidas passadas, captação psíquica, mentor espiritual, pré natal espiritual. Nesta página você encontra sobre meios naturais de obter saúde através da natureza por meio de informações espirituais e desconhecidas pela medicina e ciência, porém associado ao conhecimento que já se sabe. Inscreva-se para conhecer isso e muito mais para o autoconhecimento, conscientização e consequente libertação, saúde, felicidade, bem estar e paz. Muito obrigada e um carinhoso abraço, Crisanne Galaske Visite o portal Consciência Escola Holística em Redes sociais: Parler, Rumble (redes não censuradas) e YouTube, Insta e Facebook.

KrisAnne Hall The Sheriff


The Sheriff is an award-winning documentary featuring Constitutional Attorney KrisAnne Hall. It documents the stories of 2 pastors and 2 sheriffs during the Covid Lockdowns. Both pastors refused to comply with the illegal government mandates. One sheriff kept his oath, one did not. Attorney Hall explains the history and duty of the office of sheriff. Each county and each state could roll back the tide of tyranny if sheriffs and patriots were equipped with the knowledge in this documentary and the courage to put it into practice. More empowering training like The Sheriff is part of Attorney Hall's courses at Liberty First Society. Subscribe now to get your free copy of The Sheriff and continue preparing yourself to be a Liberty First Warrior. Join the Weekly Video Call Call 305-333-1925