Dr. Jason Dean Show


BraveTV LLC is a United States business located in Florida, USA. Given the changing world, it become increasingly vital to provide visitors with a wealth of information. Beginning with Dr. Jason Dean’s passion for healing, care, and wellness. BraveTV has blossomed into a treasure of valuable information, and wide range of topics. BraveTV’s growth was rapid, and hosted the most well-known personalities and presented these guests for your enjoyment. During the beginning of 2023, plans were formed to invite other personalities to make BraveTV their home. Thank you for being with us on this journey of growth, health, wellness, and critical thinking. Dr. Jason Dean is the CEO of BraveTV

Real Life with Jack Hibbs


Pastor Jack Hibbs is passionate about life! This passion comes out of his deep understanding that God, who came to earth in human skin, has through Jesus Christ provided the way, the truth, and the life. Our relationship with God, broken because of our sin, can be restored through Him. Jesus said He came to give us "abundant" life. That's real life done God's way! Our relationship with Christ and His instructions about the Christian life should impact every area of our being. That's right! God's Word -- the Bible -- speaks to the real life issues we all face. Depression. Joy. Suffering. Forgiveness. Peace. Fulfillment. It is our hope that through Jesus Christ you will know Real Life! For more information about Pastor Jack's ministry, visit: https://jackhibbs.com/

Jay & Monica Campbell - The Optimized Tribe Verified


The Optimized Tribe lead by the husband and wife team of Jay & Monica Campbell is the premier online destination for learning how to fully optimize your health while intuitively creating a better you. Jay Campbell is a 4x international best selling author, champion men’s physique competitor, co-founder of Aseir Custom and founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast. Jay is a global influencer on hormones, biohacking and raising human consciousness. Jay will teach you how to raise your vibration to oscillation. Monica Campbell is a best selling author, award winning mega listing real estate agent and affectionally known as the Rainbow Unicorn due her uncanny ability in helping others. Monica was raised by a single mother and an almost absent alcoholic father. Now the amazing mother of 5 children (3 biological and 2 bonus daughters) she has learned how to overcome adversity while thriving. Her decades of real estate skills training taught her mastery of interpersonal communication while her deep inner work practice honed her abilities as a mega-manifester.

Lewis Jackson


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