Brass & Iron


This channel started out as "life adventures captured from my phone". Things have changed since 2018. This channel is now dedicated to spreading the real news and telling the truth about everything. I support the Q movement and have attended 5 rallies since our election was stolen on November 3rd. I have met Shelley Luther, Stuart Rhodes, Marjorie Taylor Green, Brian Kemp, Kandiss Taylor, and Allen West. In 72 BC, the Roman slave Spartacus conquered the Italian city of Thurii and his men asked him what spoils he wanted. After two years of defying the Roman Army, he said "All I want is brass and iron." He would use these metals to forge combat weapons and continue fighting the Roman Legions. I have always been inspired by this story named my channel after it. Shhh...a lot of people don't know that.

Dressed Irons


The primary goal of Dressed Irons is to add to the growing body of quality fly tying that is on the Internet so that the art, trade, skill, and pastime will be passed on to others so that they can enjoy what I believe to be one of the best activities ever created. Through quality content, generous information and a desire to share the knowledge I have learned it is my goal to make Dressed Irons Youtube channel a place were people often turn to in order to get their fly tying answers (and maybe some fly fishing answers thrown in here and there). I welcome positive and constructive feedback.

The Bare Naked Truth


Fighting the New World Order's plan to subjugate humanity and enslave the planet for their own evil desires. The Illuminati, Jesuits, and many other secret societies have controlled our reality for far too long. It's time to take the planet back and make if for the people once again! FOLLOW ME ON TELEGRAM: CHECK OUT MY PREPPING, HOMESTEADING & SELF-DEFENSE BLOG: SHOP MY STORE: LEARN REALITY BASED SELF-DEFENSE SKILLS: BEST PREPPING SUPPLIES ON THE MARKET:

The Kinnard Homestead Podcast


The Kinnard Homestead Podcast is a Homesteading Channel and Podcast that focuses on topics related to homesteading and the old-fashioned lifestyle and values of country life from a Christian perspective. Tim and Amy Kinnard, the owners of the Kinnard Homestead, together with their five children including a son with Down syndrome, talk about their journey developing their 20-acre family farm which they manage on top of a busy schedule of homeschooling and bi-vocational pastoral ministry. With a heart to glorify God with their channel, the Kinnards are deliberate to prepare content that is Christ honoring and biblically minded.

QUIZarenaLIVE : Nostalgic Trivia to Encourage the Discovery of New Information


QUIZarenaLIVE, the remarkable, beautifully-made new production, stitched together from the still warm body parts or other Aussie game shows comes your weekly injection of nostalgia that is guaranteed to keep you glued to your seat. With heart racing questions and a pleasing aesthetic, QUIZarenaLIVE is about to become one of the most talked-about shows ever to be blocked from your memory. Explore the site to watch exclusive clips and to find out information about screening times.

2015 Harley Davidson Iron 883


Help a guy out. This is my Amazon Wish List to upgrade my livestream. ------------------------------------------------------------ Guilded Voice Comms ------------------------------------------------------------ Socials ------------------------------------------------------------ Get Star Citizen - Use my Special Code for an extra 5,000 in game credits for your character My Code to Use: STAR-B6WW-ZS4R Rock Hopper Org Applications ------------------------------------------------------------ Author of The Silent Majority Series The United States Government has unleashed it's Antifa squads to murder, rape and pillage across the country. Combustion engines are illegal, fertilizer and pesticides being illegal cause famine and riots, owning a Bible is an immediate death sentence. Follow Jack and Megan as they attempt to survive in the mountains while all around them a spiritual battle of angels and demons wage war. The Silent Majority 20% Off Code: TSMBook1 Chains are Shaking Loose 20% Off Code: TSMBook2 You can also get my books at Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, Walmart, anywhere that sells books ------------------------------------------------------------ Affiliate Programs Gameglass Code: DELNORIN for 5% off Coffee Brand Coffee Code: DELNORIN for 5% off ------------------------------------------------------------ Royalty Free Music (Rock) ------------------------------------------------------------ Delnorin Songs (Hip) Made by: JustMeArtFan ------------------------------------------------------------ Delnorin Theme Song Made by: EldritchKao ------------------------------------------------------------



Kort om Vinnarskolan: Syftet med Vinnarskolan är att ge folk de verktyg som behövs för att kunna bli sina bästa versioner, något som inte är helt lätt i dagens värld där störningsmomenten och de kortsiktiga belöningarna är fler än någonsin. Alexander menar dock att det är fullt möjligt att övervinna dessa hinder som står i vägen för ett framgångsrikt liv och att vägen dit går genom att bit för bit ändra sina vanor. Det är det som alla former av personlig utveckling bygger på. Vinnarskolans vision är därför att ge folk utomordentliga verktyg till självförbättring så att de med tiden kan formas till de bättre människor som bygger morgondagens samhälle. För varje samhälle är en spegelbild av alla de människor som utgör det och vill vi ha ett bättre och livskraftigare samhälle så måste individerna som utgör det bli bättre människor. Besök därför gärna hemsidan ”” där jag löpande kommer att lägga ut poddar, filmer och artiklar som berör det mesta inom personlig utveckling. Helt gratis dessutom! Gillar du Vinnarskolan och det jag gör? Donera då gärna en slant till antingen Swish: 1236397772 eller Bankgiro: 5188-3304 Ditt stöd betyder oerhört mycket för mitt fortsatta arbete i att driva, utveckla och förbättra Vinnarskolan. Stort tack för din gåva! Alexander Söderberg Ordf Vinnarskolan