James Dixon Bass Covers with Tabs


Covers with Loud Bass, humour and occasionally tabs, pedals and guitar! My name is James. I've been playing Bass and Guitar for close to 20 years. I am influenced by a huge range of artists from different genres and playing styles that I hope to show in time through the songs I cover. I hope that these videos can help inspire people to follow their passions and pick up any instrument. Be sure to subscribe to my channel for updates on the videos I release.

Splitting Hairs with Tab Salsman


Welcome to Splitting Hairs with Tab Salsman, the podcast where captivating conversations happen behind the chair. As a master hairstylist, Tab combines his passion for cutting hair with his love for deep, thought-provoking discussions. Step into a one-of-a-kind experience as Tab sits down with fascinating guests while giving them a haircut, creating a relaxed and intimate setting for candid conversations. With no topic off limits, we dive deep into the hairdressing experience and beyond, exploring the stories, struggles, and triumphs that make us who we are.

Hijos de las Estrellas


En directo casi todos los días en Twitch!! https://www.twitch.tv/hijosdelasestrellastv Descubre la verdad: un canal que explora los misterios del universo, la política y la conciencia. Abordamos temas como ovnis, exopolitica, extraterrestres, actualidad, espiritualidad y mucho más. Únete a nosotros para: Desvelar los secretos del universo: analizamos los últimos avistamientos de ovnis, las investigaciones sobre vida extraterrestre y las teorías sobre la exopolitica. Explorar la mente y la conciencia: profundizamos en temas como , el despertar espiritual y la conexión con nuestro ser interior. Mantenerte informado: te traemos las últimas noticias sobre política, actualidad y eventos internacionales. Compartir ideas y experiencias: creamos un espacio de debate y reflexión donde puedes compartir tus opiniones y conectar con personas afines. Síguenos en nuestro viaje hacia la verdad



I've been playing guitar since 1983, when I received my first for my 12th birthday. My lessons are primarily of classic rock/metal solos from the 1970s and 1980s - the music I grew up on, and still love to this day. I am confident my tabs are the most accurate you will find on Rumble or YouTube (where I have had a strong following since 2009). I don't simply repost the same broken tabs that have been circulating for years on the internet. All of my tabs are meticulously created from scratch, using my decades of transcription experience. I hope you will find them informative and helpful.