Georgian Banov Verified


Georgian Banov, president and co-founder of Global Celebration along with his wife Winnie travel extensively, sharing their message of freedom with the world. "Starting life in a brand-new country did not complete my escape. I often tell people that even though you could take me out of Communism, it was an entirely different matter to take Communism out of me! It was not until I gave my life to Jesus that I found the freedom, peace and joy that I had been yearning for." - Georgian Banov ...For more info, visit:

BAM! Belgian Alternative Media Verified


BAM! est un nouveau média alternatif, pluraliste, optimiste, rigoureux, impertinent et, surtout, indépendant. Nous sommes un collectif de citoyens, issus de catégories socio-professionnelles et générationnelles variées, journalistes, militants, entrepreneurs, commerçants, artistes… soucieux de défendre, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, la liberté d’opinion. Notre motivation: aborder sans tabou la crise actuelle de la Covid-19, en questionnant les enjeux scientifiques démocratiques, économiques, psychologiques, philosophiques, environnementaux et culturels qui en découlent. Constatant que les médias officiels jouent de moins en moins leur rôle critique, nous voulons recréer le débat et avoir un impact sur l’opinion publique, en donnant une information rigoureuse, éclairante et non biaisée, qui permette à chacun de faire son opinion.

Speak English podcast with teacher Georgiana


Hi! I’m Georgiana, founder of My mission is to help you to speak English fluently and with confidence. Why is this podcast so different from any other program? With the Speak English Podcast: - you'll master English by listening and speaking without having to memorize any grammar rules. - You're going to acquire knowledge about the English culture and the language itself. - And most importantly, you'll discover valuable tips and tricks on how to speak English fluently. If there's something you can't understand, don't worry about it! Listen to each episode as many times as you need. You can read the TEXT at: Don't miss out on any of my Speak English podcast episodes. Every week there's a new episode. Start practicing your English listening and speaking skills with the Speak English podcast.

Norwegian Doctors & HCWs' Alliance


Support the Norwegian Doctors Alliance via PayPal: or Vipps: #744027 Alternative ways to donate: Norwegian Doctors and Healthcare Workers' Alliance (NLHF: Norske Leger og Helsearbeideres Fellesforbund) – A new Medical Association with the purpose of bringing back Medical Ethics to public health interventions, healthcare practice and health research. Connect with us:

Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian


Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian Timothy Campbell Watchman of the End Times (Martyrdom777), Through God's word I will bring you fact from the Bible of the end times Prophecy of the Gog and Magog war/s, the Destruction of Damascus Syria, Harpazo - the Rapture, Tribulation, 3rd Temple, the Great Tribulation, the Anti-Christ, the Two Witnesses, the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, the Millennium, Armageddon, the Lake of Fire, Deep State, I been a Christian since 1981, however, I been walking a righteous path since June 4th. 2011, I been studying the Bible since 1994, I have been a Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian of the End Times for 27 year, I am a real Christian Overcomer that walks a narrow path of righteousness that - Repents - Repentance - Repenting - Repented of my sins of Iniquity this is of Godliness of Holiness which is Righteousness - this is no ABC of Salvation - you need to Repent by getting down on your knees and audibly sincere from deep within from your heart soul out audibly in front of a witness/s to confess that you except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and that you believe he Jesus the Christ dead for your / ours sins and was buried arose in three days and ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father then you beg Jesus God and the Holy Spirit to forgive you of Repentance for your iniquity of sins Yesterday in the Past and Today in the Present and for all unseen sins and even the sins in your dream that you have no control over them, (I'm not of this once saved always saved theology doctrine) you can still lose your salvation. May God bless you all, God Bless



"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith FAIR USE NOTICE: This account may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. News and informational articles presented herein are for the non-profit purposes of comment, education and news reporting. We believe this constitutes a \\\'fair use\\\' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in the Commonwealth of Australian Copyright Act 1968. While every effort has been made to trace the Copyright holders, we would be grateful for any information concerning Copyright of the images or extracts and we will withdraw them immediately on Copyright holder\\\'s request. FAIR USE NOTICE: This account may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a \\\'fair use\\\' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this account is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this account for purposes of your own that go beyond \\\'fair use\\\', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

becoming giant


Becoming Giant is of a mutinous collective that seeks to build community and refuse to settle. We desire to stand for more in life than mediocrity. We believe we are owed the truth by the people in power. We have come to the consensus that all people should have the ability to have their basic needs met; and that no one should profit from harming the earth or the people. It is outrageous how we are choosing to live under a regime of power based on fantasy. As we move forward, there seems to be more and more people awakening to the nonsense that is happening in this world. This means every day we will continue to get larger, grow, grow, and grow to become gigantic! People need to realize who truly holds the power! This battle is against those who simple minded fools who wish to shutdown life as we know it, control the progress of humanity like cattle, surveil individuals and involve themselves in corrupt agendas so they gain more power, control, and money. We do not wish to live in fear and want to find somewhere we can come to a place where we see that all of us need each other. There is no chance of our survival if we don't all decide what way we want things to go.

Belgian Congo


Historical videos that cover various aspects of Belgian history, encompassing both its domestic heritage and its colonial endeavors. This includes the reign of King Leopold II, the Independent Congo State, the Belgian Congo, Belgian Rwanda-Urundi, the Congo Crisis, and the modern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as well as post-colonial periods like Zaire and the Congolese World Wars. Additionally, videos that explore other significant colonial empires, such as the French, Dutch, German, and British. Videos are available in English, Dutch, French and sometimes also in other languages.