Patrick Bet-David
16,645 FollowersPatrick Bet-David is a leading source of information for all. Our mission TO ENLIGHTEN, ENTERTAIN AND EMPOWER CURRENT AND FUTURE LEADERS AROUND THE WORLD. WHO WE ARE: Patrick Bet-David is the leading source for information, education and entertainment centred on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and capitalism. WHY WE EXIST: There is a need for a voice that carries the torch for entrepreneurship and capitalism, projecting a compelling. WHO WE SERVE; Established and aspirational entrepreneurs, startup founders, students, entrepreneurs, and leaders within all types of organisations(public/private/non-profit). WHAT WE PROVIDE: A slate of live and online events and a growing content library that includes: video series, digital courses, podcasts and scripted programming. This vast content offering is delivered through our website, distribution partners including YouTube and Spotify and our own OTT channel.
Xylie Gets Real
13,894 FollowersReaction to different dramas etc...
Patrick Bet-David
2,371 FollowersValuetainment is a leading source of information for all. Our Mission TO ENLIGHTEN, ENTERTAIN AND EMPOWER CURRENT AND FUTURE LEADERS AROUND THE WORLD. WHO WE ARE: Valuetainment is the leading source for information, education and entertainment centered on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and capitalism. • WHY WE EXIST: There is a need for a voice that carries the torch for entrepreneurship and capitalism, projecting a compelling, positive message. We are that voice. • WHO WE SERVE: Established and aspirational entrepreneurs, startup founders, students, intrapreneurs, and leaders within all types of organizations (public/private/non-profit). • WHAT WE PROVIDE: A slate of live and online events and a growing content library that includes: video series, digital courses, podcasts and scripted programming. This vast content offering is delivered through our website, distribution partners including YouTube and Spotify and our own OTT channel.
Where Truth Is Set FREE
2,351 FollowersConspiracy REALest, White RATIONALest, Truth Seeker
And The Truth Shall Set You Free
2,140 FollowersThis is the spot where you can find truth
Get Lit with Christa Elisha
1,596 FollowersChrista is the founder of Arise Kingdom Ministries, Lit Revolution, the Revival Rooms and W.I.L.D. (Walk In Love Demonstrated) Equipping. She is a vibrant apostolic revivalist that burns with passionate devotion to Jesus. She carries a strong anointing to invite others into the ecstatic bliss of knowing Christ for who he truly is: The only one who satisfies every need for every soul. It is out of this intimacy that Christa has been commissioned by God to baptize a generation in Holy Fire so that the bride of Christ arises in purity and power to shake the gates, destroy hell and radiate the splendor of the risen King bringing glory to the Father. Christa walks in signs and wonders and prays that revival fire is sparked in each person she touches as her heart cries “On earth as it is in heaven!”
Get Ready To Laugh w/ K-von
1,472 FollowersGet Ready To Laugh-\\n\\nComedian K-von (Netflix, TEDxTalks, Last Comic Standing) has been seen on TV & touring around the world. \\n\\nHe\\\'s not afraid to tackle any topic and his comedy ranges from family friendly to anything goes. \\n\\nThere are 3 ways to support his work:\\n\\n1. Join Patreon @KvonComedy \\n\\n2. Make a small donation on \\n\\n3. Share his videos here and on his social media pages: facebook + youtube = KvonComedy\\n\\nNow buckle up and prepare to watch over 400 videos!
Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin Podcast
1,368 FollowersThis channel is for all the podcasts , I have done and will continue to do so ! I have interviewed, doctors, nurses ,funeral embalmers. Governments on all levels have lied to you! The WEF and all levels of governments are involved in a genocide with vaccines that are killing people, 15 minute cities, AI and much more. A big thank you to awake Canada for providing all of the podcasters for this platform to get the word out. I have fought a previous battle ( Sunday Shopping) to which some people may not agree with. I firmly believe this is all tied in to the Transhuman movement. If you want to move in that direction you do away with the day of rest, people going to church. You then divide the people and play them off against one another. This was the case with Sunday shopping. Using the media with brainwashing propaganda repeating the slogan that Sunday shopping was great for people wanting to shop an extra day. Telling people that someone at a restaurant or a call center had to work. What's the difference? You can see the divide. The government could have legislated the day off for other occupations as well. BUT this is just a little piece of the puzzle. With Covid a bioweapon they played the vaccinated off against the unvaccinated. Closing churches down while you could go to a box store and be safe. But not in that church or a restaurant. Pushing the vaccine on you by bribing you or forcing you to take it or lose your job. Point is the government has always divided us. Murder is serious , something has to be done about it. Our freedoms are at stake. The mainstream media has been paid off in the millions by our prime minister Justin Trudeau. Our podcast with many others on social media need to be heard not silenced with Bill C 11. This is not Canada that we all love. Please watch our podcasts and share them with everyone you know.
RT - Breaking the Set with Abby Martin
1,082 FollowersGet It How You Want It With The Authority
978 FollowersWe are the news now. Get it how you want it 🔥
Pal Bulletin
865 FollowersThe Home of Conservative & Pro-Trump news, forums, videos & our popular Patriots Page. You can also find us on Rumble!
Only a Knowledgeable and Open Mind Can Set You Free
775 FollowersMost of the videos on my channel are from other's very hard work, but I sometimes do my own videos. I watch every single video I upload. If it's a long one, I make notes, so just ask me for them. I always provide the link to the original creator if I have it. My goal is to bring you the truth about who controls our world, Agenda 21, the scamdemic, and how you CAN make a difference. I am a truther activist who's goal is to wake other people up to what is going and TAKE ACTION, otherwise that's it for humanity! I have been studying the truth since 2015 and unlearning the lies that the evils have spread through the school system, religion, news, the government, and even the workplace. In 2018/2019, I started to put the pieces together, to come up with a more complete picture, but that picture is always evolving as I learn more. The bottom line is that we NEED to take action NOW, otherwise humanity WILL die and I'm NOT exaggerating. Will you come join us?
Learn To Crochet
752 FollowersWhere learning to crochet is fun and easy
How to Get success in Life. Motivational video
633 FollowersThank you for watching don't forget to subscribe.
Got Your 6
420 FollowersTelling the truth about what patriots saw on January 6.
Patrick Bet David Official ✅
396 FollowersPred Gets Caught
387 FollowersWelcome to Pred Gets Caught! Here, we showcase real moments of justice as the we catch those attempting to do wrong. Our mission is to expose those people and also people accountable, and highlight the triumph of truth and integrity. If you're passionate about justice, accountability, and seeing the right thing prevail, you’re in the right place. Subscribe now to join the movement and never miss a moment when justice is served! Stay tuned for real stories, bold actions, and a whole lot of truth!
Emre Çetin - Andrew Tate Türkçe
347 FollowersSöyleşi ve Kişisel vloglarım için Rumble'da "EmreCetinSoylesi" kanalına gidiniz:
Affiliate Marketing For Beginners
344 FollowersWe help everyday people make money online using affiliate marketing
274 FollowersNEW STREAMER, RAW UNEDITED, TRW by Andrew Tate
267 FollowersSET & KEY MEDIA
263 FollowersSET & Key Media LIVE NEWS and Reactions.
The Truth will set us free
235 FollowersWe expose the truth about the hidden world we are living in
225 FollowersDIE LETZTE GROSSE OFFENBARUNG JESU CHRISTI EIN GEWALTIGES WERK für Suchende, Unwissende und Zweifler .... „Im Anfang war das Wort …. Ein Tedeum dem Schöpfer Himmels und der Erde…. Ihr Alle seid Seine Geschöpfe, die Ihm einst verloren gingen …. Und Er wird nicht ruhen, bis Er alle Schäflein zurückgewonnen hat ….“ Mit diesen Worten begannen die Offenbarungen Gottes an Bertha Dudde am 15. Juni 1937, die am 17. August 1965 mit der Kundgabe 9030 als Siegel den Abschluß fanden. Es ist ein gewaltiges Werk, das durch deine Mitarbeit zustande kommen soll, und es werden dereinst die seltsamsten Meinungen gebildet werden über den Ursprung des Werkes, und man wird vermuten, daß alle Schriften nur in der Weise entstehen konnten, daß durch eine Konzentration in ganz bestimmter Geistesrichtung sich die schriftstellerische Begabung ausbildete und alles Entstandene nun also gewissermaßen die Folge dieser gedanklichen Konzentration sei .... und ein Wirken übersinnlicher Kräfte nur krankhafte Einbildung des Schreibenden war. Nun bereitet jedoch der Herr etwas vor, das auch jenen Zweiflern zu denken geben wird. Er leget zahlenmäßig fest den Gesamtumfang des Werkes .... Es werden 9000 Kapitel erstmalig den Menschen geboten, die alles hinreichend erklären, was dem Menschen nötig ist, um selbst wieder unterweisen zu können die Unwissenden. Als Jesus auf Erden wandelte, sprach Er vom Reiche Gottes, von einem Reich, das nicht von dieser Welt ist .... Er sprach nicht von weltlicher Macht, Er sprach auch nicht von einer kirchlichen Macht, von einer Organisation; Er sprach auch nicht von Männern, die an Gottes statt herrschen sollten über Seine Gemeinde; .... Er sprach nur zu Seinen Jüngern: "Gehet hin und lehret alle Völker ....“ Er gab ihnen den Auftrag, die Menschen zu unterweisen in Seiner Liebelehre, und Er versprach ihnen Seine Mitwirkung, so sie in Seinem Geist verblieben .... Denn sowie sie Liebe lehrten, mußten sie selbst in der Liebe leben, und also war der Herr Selbst mit ihnen, Der die Liebe ist. Wo aber die Liebe regieret, ist jede herrschende Gewalt unnötig .... wo die Liebe regieret, dort dienet einer dem anderen, und wo die Liebe regieret, dort sind Gebote unnötig, es sei denn, das Gebot der Liebe wird den Menschen gepredigt, das Gott Selbst gegeben hat. Das Gesamtwerk nebst Themenheften wird kostenfrei abgegeben, denn GOTTES WORT IST KEINE HANDELSWARE!!! "Umsonst habt Ihr es erhalten, umsonst gebt es weiter" FÜR DIE ZEITEN ohne STROM und INTERNET!! DER KLUGE MENSCH sorgt vor!!! DAS GESAMTWERK von BERTHA DUDDE in chronologischer Reihenfolge der OFFENBARUNGEN JESU in 81 Bänden gibt es bei: Hans-Willi Schmitz Bernardin Strasse 47 47680 GELDERN Tel: 02838 - 2948
"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." ~ James A. Garfield
223 FollowersI produce alternative independent media that cuts through mainstream lies and deceptions. ALT SITES: 1. 2. SUPPORT: If you feel led to support my efforts you can do so via any of the following links. 1. 2. (Free PRIVATE Cloud Storage) 3. Thank you!
Getting In the Word
223 FollowersBible Teaching of Pastor Stuart Guthrie
Subscribe the channel to get the bass boosted version of Punjabi Songs, Hindi Songs, Haryanvi Songs, Punjabi + Hindi Songs mashups, Tamil Songs, Songs
218 Followers** Cancer Cue & How to Get Rid of Diseases Naturally
215 FollowersIn this channel you will learn what to do and what to take to live a healthy life. CURES FROM ILLNESS AND DISEASE.
Digital Marketing Course
197 Followers'Digital Marketing Full Course' is a complete guide to learn Digital Marketing from scratch which covers in-depth knowledge about different concepts of Digital Marketing, Types of Marketing, SEO, Career opportunities in Digital Marketing. This Digital Marketing tutorial is ideal for beginners and experienced professionals.
196 FollowersRobbersGettingFucked
196 FollowersLets Get To The Bottom of That
165 FollowersDo you need answers? This show will get to the bottom of all those questions you need answers for. Each week Jason, Mike, and Byron will cover a topic that has been left out in the public square unattended and covered with questions from the "official story"
Get The Most Accuracy From Your Black Powder Rifle
159 FollowersLoading for blackpowder rifles
158 FollowersPitchMeeting
155 FollowersDoctors for Disaster Preparedness
153 FollowersVideos from DDP Meetings
148 FollowersEmergency Meeting
147 FollowersEmergecy Meetings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⬇️Join my Telegram to Network with like-minded people⬇️ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📽️Subscribe to my related Channels📽️ ➡️Username: Shinkai0 - ➡️OGTateSpeech - ➡️TatePodcast - ➡️TateCourse - ➡️TheHatefulTate - ➡️EmergencyMeetings - ➡️Tristan Tate Shipwrecked-Lost Island - ➡️Andrew Tate Reality Shows - ➡️Youtube: Shinkai Wudan - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⬇️ Subscribe to my main channel - Visual Tales⬇️ Rumble: YouTube: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔻Latest Videos of Tate🔻 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❌Consider supporting me with a donation. My channels aren't monetized❌ 🟣🟣 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📈JOIN THE REAL WORLD📈 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📩Incase you want to reach me📩 ➡️