Heyo! I'm Funneh, welcome to my channel! Here you'll find funny daily gaming videos, livestreams, and much more. I play a lot of games with my fam, we're known as Krew! If you enjoy our videos, subscribe today. Your support helps us continue to do what we


Addicted to the Angry Birds, thats what I am !!! Always new ideas for adventures and mashups with other games and movies. And I love to see pictures come to life...soooo, here I sit animating away using 3D animation software. I do not use original graphics or sounds from the games and movies. Much rather all animations are made from scratch in endless hours of animation. I hope now you undestand why my videos and sounds are somewhat different from (and maybe not as good as ) the original.... but I try hard ;-))) For all those interested: I mostly use Iclone Pro 5, 3Ds Max, Photoshop and After Effects. You\'ll see 3D animated clips & cartoons some "nonexisting" Angry Birds combo spoofs, some combined



Funny animals never fail to bring a smile to our faces with their adorable antics and quirky behaviors. From playful otters holding hands to clumsy pandas tumbling down hills, each creature has its own unique charm. Who can resist the infectious laughter of a hyena or the comical waddle of a penguin? Even domestic pets like cats and dogs provide endless entertainment with their playful frolics and curious nature. Whether it's a sneezing panda or a dancing cockatoo, funny animals remind us of the joy and humor that can be found in the animal kingdom, bringing a little bit of happiness into our lives.