The Fearless Floyd Show ©


Fearless Floyd addresses a variety of trending topics with Fact Evidence, Questions and leads an adv enture to a variety of topics, such as Para-politics, going from Public to Private, Concerts, Music and Musicians, Coins, Currency, Precious Metals/Gemstones, Bad-ass Vehicles, Health, Workouts, Real Estate Investing, Wordplay you never knew existed, Criminal Justice, DWI\\\'s, DUI\\\'s, Court System, and Interviews of anything and everything Fearless finds interesting and cool. You Tube: UCUtzNLFiYQ-_EIAsMyeKa3A Bitchute: Rumble: LBRY/Odysee: Copyright © 2021 FLOYD PLEASANT TARVIN IV ©. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized duplication or use in any manner is strictly prohibited and will be civilly, criminally and commercially enforced by Record Owner. FLOYD PLEASANT TARVIN IV © is Copyright Protected by Record Owner 1962-3020. Floyd Pleasant Tarvin IV © is doing business as FLOYD PLEASANT TARVIN IV ©, or any variation, derivative or abbreviation thereto (See Minnesota Assumed Name Certificate Active In Good Standing).

Speak Truth Without Fear


This Show Brings Conservative Voices Together From All Industries Such As Actors, Music Producers, Artists, Film Makers, Journalists, Dancers, Athletes and Social Media Influencers. They Come Together In A Panel Style Discussion To Inspire Individuals To Be Courageous and Voice Their Beliefs and Values. Topics Range From Current Issues In The Areas Of Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Second Amendment, Immigration, Mainstream Media, Faith, Racial Divide, Environmental Health and Much Much More. Tune in Tuesday-Friday Morning. Also check out more of what we\\\'re doing on

Fearfully And Wonderfully Made


I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. -Psalms 139:14 These are videos I have found to be useful for keeping your body healthy and functioning properly - and allowing it to work the way the creator designed. These videos are for purely educational purposes, and you should always consult your doctor first. WARNING: These videos may NOT all be from Christian sources - so please use discernment! I am sharing mainly for the medical information contained in them.

New World Order-Middle East Updates-Bible Prophecies-Jesus Christ


7GTV is a Channel that came from Youtube. Due to censorship from his opinions on today\\\\\\\'s topics, He made the choice to come to Rumble. 7vnseal aka Robert Loves sharing his thoughts as a believer in Jesus Christ on the following topics: Bible Prophecies, Jesus the Christ, Global World Agendas, New World Order Agendas and on the side for fun, he does product reviews. This channel was successful and growing on Youtube, until key topics were being censored and videos deleted. We hope you can stop by and support 7vnseal as he continues to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and current events in the Middle East. Also, if you would like to support directly visit our Apparel from T-Shirts, Coffee Mugs and more. All Designs are original and produced by 7GTV. Copy and Paste:

Choose Love Not Fear


CHOOSE LOVE NOT FEAR NEWS - UNVEILING TRUTHS FOR A BETTER TOMORROW A channel created to bring the truth to light, help as many people as possible better understand current events and prepare for the days to come. Here in Choose Love Not Fear News, we speak the truth and only the truth. We bring the facts to the table in order to help people connect the dots. Through our articles and investigative journalism, we create an introduction and analysis to different situations around the world. Our work is more than just journalism, we also work with different organizations in Israel and around the world who create impactful changes by implementing laws and helping people globally. We are currently in early growing stages. We need your help and support to grow our channel and create more content in both English and Hebrew so we can bring the truth to light in a much larger scale.

The Haunted Taxi Ghost Tours USA & The Haunted Journey Show Part Of Fearcation Travel


The Haunted Taxi Ghost Tours USA And The Haunted Journey Show Are Proud Partners In Fearcation Travel, The Best Way To Save Money On All Your Haunted Travel! The Haunted Taxi And The Haunted Journey Show, Will Take You To Some Of The Most Haunted Locations In The USA! Where We Will Give You The History And Investigation Of Each And Every Haunted Property! This Will Be The Best Way To See, Hear, Feel And GO To Each Haunted Location For Yourself! The Haunted Journey Show Will Give You A Chance To Experience The Paranormal World For Yourself. So Come Book Your Haunted Taxi Ghost Tour Today! At We Make Fear Fun Year-Round! Find More videos on The Mr. Haunted

Living Fearless Devotional Verified


Andy, a former Anaheim Police Officer, and Hedieh, a former Muslim and Counterterrorism expert who became a Christian, share their real-life joys and challenges of following Jesus, with the help of various daily devotional authors. Don't miss Andy's Number One International Bestselling book, "Falco - Walking with God and a Dog". A book showing how his police K9 saved his life and showed him how to live it in Christ. You can also learn more about Hedieh’s amazing conversion story on her website Edifi:

Bible Believing God Fearing Ministries


Bible Believing God Fearing Ministries \r\n\r\nBible Believing God Fearing Ministries P.O. Box 4293 Brookings Oregon 97415 \r\n\r\nI am a Bible-believing God-fearing Man. I believe in God\\\'s perfect written word, English, King James Bible. I believe in the true Gospel found in the KJV Bible. Repentance (2 Cor 7:10) Belief in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross (1 Cor 15:1-4). These two happen in the heart. Then one confesses both to God in prayer and asks God to save them (Romans 10:9-13) And after God saves you, you will have a changed life (2 Corinthians 5:17). God will clean up your life. (John 17:17, Psalms 119:9-11) I Believe these major Doctrines Eternal Security, Pre-Time of Jacobs Trouble Catching away of the Body of Christ, Dispensational teachings, The Godhead (not the Trinity) This Ministry is about, words have meaning, To encourage the Brethren, promote prayer, Giving God thanks and Glory in all things

First We Feast


HOT ONES For every question that they field from host Sean Evans, guests must join him in eating a progressively spicy chicken wing. HEAT EATERS In this ultimate spicy food adventure, chef Esther Choi hits the streets to eat her way through the world's spiciest cuisines, and gain a deeper appreciation for the chili pepper. TACOS CON TODO Stand-up comedian Jesus Trejo interviews the world’s funniest comedians while searching for the best tacos in SoCal. PIZZA WARS Pizzaiola Nicole Russell will go head-to-head with the city’s most respected chefs and Internet personalities, competing in a new pizza-themed competition each week. THE BURGER SHOW The Burger Show explores modern burger culture through the eyes of chef Alvin Cailan. BURGER SCHOLAR SESSIONS Burger Scholar George Motz gives a master class on regional burger styles, teaching viewers essential techniques and burger history. SNACKED Celebrities break down their favorite snacks that are near and dear to their hearts.

Eastern Orthodox Daily Calendar


This channel is dedicated to everyday readings of the lives of the Eastern Orthodox saints. If you like it, please show your support by liking the videos, leaving a comment, and subscribing. All the saints, pray to God for us! Please note: The dates of the feasts, celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church, are marked with (N.S.) - "New Style". Этот канал посвящен ежедневным чтениям о житиях святых православной церкви. Если вам понравились видео, прошу поддержать канал лайками, комментариями и подпиской. Всии святые, молите Бога о нас! Примечание: даты памяти святых, празднуемые Русской Православной Церковью, обозначены пометкой "по новому стилю" (по н. ст.).