Greek Orthodox Christian Television


Description GOCTV is dedicated to presenting programs produced from a Traditional Greek Orthodox Christian perspective. The programs are Produced & Directed by Certain Romans of the Old World Order. The Resistance to the Ecumenism, and Secularism of the New World Order is the Holy Tradition of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Join the Resistance. GOCTV is not affiliated with any Church jurisdiction. The Producers are from various jurisdictions. Although acknowledging his contributions we do not endorse John S. Romanides - a clergyman who represented Ecumenist jurisdictions at the syncretistic World Council of Churches. He authored articles questioning the Orthodoxy of Saints of the Church, and calling Orthodox those whom the Church has anathematized as heretics. We reject un-Orthodox actions/statements of his, and while certain of his writings are examined in our programs, we do not endorse his writings, or actions in toto. Programs with a (G) before the title are in GREEK

Digital Combat Simulator DCS Are Complicit Verified


CIA Wags / Nineline NCSWIC Nothing >>REMAINED SILENT<< You were all warned in 2020 in PM's by me. David OC Matthew Wagner [Wags] Digital Combat Simulator Are Complicit Spent 10 years working for the C_A [Central Intelligence Agency] as a military analyst. >>REMAINED SILENT<< >>Full DCS Walkthrough posting 2020 / 2021 -------------------------------------------------------- >> All Wars Are Bankers Wars - It's ALL about control and sacrifice, nothing else. -------------------------------------------------------- >> One of the COVID pages on the DCS forum posted [June 3, 2021 in Chit-Chat] >>NOW REMOVED<< [October 2023]. -------------------------------------------------------- ONLY TOOK THEM HOW MANY YEARS!! Way To late Commie Nineline / Wags. You guy's choose your side in this war. Had all the info way back in 2020 / 2021 see walkthrough. Made your bed now lay in it. -------------------------------------------------------- UNITED STATES UNDER >>MILITARY CONTROL<< Restored Republic THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH – THE WIDE VIEW SCOPE OF MIL OPERATION COVID OR VACCINE DETOX WHO ARE [THEY]…? 13 ILLUMINATI BLOODLINES – LECTURE FROM 1996 - The Truth Is Not For Everyone