Clear Perspective


My name is Serene Lee. I was born and raised in Communist China, and I escaped from China to avoid religious persecution. I have personally experienced the brutal ruling of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I know directly of their tactics to control people, and how human rights and free speech remain absolutely taboo in China. After coming to America, I have greatly appreciated American freedom and the value of the individual. I began working as a journalist to share the real news coming out of China, news that was hard to find. I never imagined that the CCP could infiltrate America to the extent that it has, such that the US is now under attack. If America falls, the whole world will fall; there is nowhere for people to escape communism, nowhere for people to seek asylum, nowhere for people to find freedom and human dignity. I am telling you seriously, from my heart: Wake up America! This is our last chance to fight for our freedom.

Papa Bear Patriot


I am creating a video series that will outlast me. I am doing this for the benefit of my children, grandchildren (in the future), and anyone in the world that will benefit from what I have to share. Goal: To leave the world a little better place than I came into it through a self-sustaining, responsible lifestyle always focused on being the best version of yourself possible. This is a never-ending process so lets begin where we are and see where this process takes us.