Undecided with Matt Ferrell


As a UI/UX designer by trade, I explore how sustainable and smart technologies impact our lives. And I try to dive deeper into those topics to provide context. Topics like electric vehicles, solar panels, and renewable energy that is meant to transition the world off of fossil fuels. Smart home technology that can make our homes not only more convenient, but safer and more accessible. Wearable technology that can track our health and save lives. Or how technology might be invading and breaking down the walls of our privacy. So in short... Exploring how technology impacts our lives. If you’d like to support the channel, you can do so at https://www.patreon.com/mattferrell. Get in touch: https://undecidedmf.com/contact-me Sponsorship inquiry form: https://undecidedmf.com/sponsorships Non-sponsorship inquiries will not be responded to at this address.

Dreaded Patriots Radio Show


The Dreaded Patriots Radio Show is a weekly discussion of culture from a biblical and constitutional viewpoint from the perspective of 3 above average dads that still love America! Our focus is to empower, equip, and educate listeners so they will respond confidently to the onslaught of state and corporate propaganda. We’re calling out the church to engage in politics and christians to once again lead culture with morality and truth! Join us for an hour of ridiculous banter and unpredictable wisdom from the Dreaded Patriots.

Eagle Riders Brasil


Olá pessoal! Criamos esse canal para divulgar os nossos rides por São Paulo e proximidades! Espero que você goste e a cada vídeo iremos nos aperfeiçoando para trazer um conteúdo de qualidade e que retrate bem o mundo do Motociclismo! " I know I was born and I know that I'll die The in between is mine." Motos Danilo - Harley Davidson Heritage Custom 2008 Alê - Harley Davidson Roadster Instagram https://www.instagram.com/eagleridersbrasil/ Conheça o Projeto #forçacustom https://www.forcacustom.com.br/