"DreamChild" Tour with Whitewolf Verified


Tour guide "WhiteWolf" will take you on tour with him as he hikes and gives guidance as a wellness coach for Nutrition, Consciousness, Energy, Alchemy, and also talks about stuff as he is hiking on tour such as plants and animals along the way. Time to go on a journey with WhiteWolf, and see what he is seeing on his hikes while he communicates about this new movement called: "DREAMCHILD". Enjoy the videos, but the whole idea is to take what is being channeled by WhiteWolf and make it your own. WhiteWolf is showing a way how he does it, but feel free to come up with your own way, your own purpose, and find out who you truly are! "Who am I " is the biggest question philosophers have asked for centuries. As you join the "DREAMCHILD" movement, you are committing to taking your power back to find "Who Am I' and many more answers including your Divine Purpose! "I am that I am" .... these words bring the wisdom and power back to your heart, as a pure, innocent, divine child of LOVE in the Heart. As you connect to your heart, you are dreaming your world into reality just like the pure energy of a child! The imagination of a child, is PURE CREATION energy! The goal of this "DREAMCHILD" series is for you to find you (or "I AM THAT I AM"), and reconnect to the power and wisdom of "I AM THAT I AM" from your HEART! Many people coming together in their hearts to their "DREAMCHILD" state is very magnetic and powerful! We know the Heart is the most powerful brain in the body (5000x's stronger then the brain itself electromagnetically). Many people connecting together into their "DREAMCHILD" VORTEX within their heart creates a Network of many hearts in "DREAMCHILD" UNITY! The more people that come together in this HEART BASED STATE OF CONCIOUSNESS, the more we will change the Earth to that same state! It's time to Manifest a "DREAMCHILD" STATE for Earth so we can all Unify and become ONE HEART together! These videos will present a topic for each hike and also their will be activities or tools to use such as Meditation, Cold Plunging, Dowsing, and many others to help you open up to your heart! The more of us doing this, the stronger the energy too boost ourselves, and the planet to make huge changes! One person opens to their Heart Vortex, and then another opens to their heart, and then we have a trickle effect of people waking up to their power in their heart. As you wake to your heart, you will open to the Vortex of the heart. This is what we are calling the "DREAMCHILD - VORTEX". Many people connecting to the "DREAMCHILD VORTEX" within, creates a "NETWORK OF DREAMCHILD VORTEXES". THEN WE CAN CONNECT NETWORKS TO NETWORKS AND MAKE THIS "DREAMCHILD VORTEX" A STATE FOR EVERYONE! ONE LOVE, ONE HEART, ONENESS.... UNITY.... We are going to learn to have fun again, like a child. We are going to play, and have fun. Time for this planet to enjoy happiness again.