Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock


Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock strives to create an understanding of the Philosophy of Liberty. Understanding is far more important than agreement -- that will come in its own time. Radio Show Monday - Friday 9am - Noon EST on LRN.FM Join Us: SUBSCRIBE to receive the daily email dispatch - ----------------------------------------

News 360 TV is the most fair-minded and dependable web news channel. You can watch the most recent news, identified with Politics, Business, Sports, and Bollywood on News360Tv. Stay associated with us for the most fair-minded and dependable news. You can


News 360 TV is the most fair-minded and dependable web news channel. You can watch the most recent news, identified with Politics, Business, Sports, and Bollywood on News360Tv. Stay associated with us for the most fair-minded and dependable news. You can reach us Mail ID:

Energizing Horizons: Unveiling the Potential of Zero Point Energy & Water-Powered Cars


Get ready to be electrified by "Energy Independence," the channel that dives deep into the limitless possibilities of zero point energy and water-powered cars! Embark on an exhilarating journey as we explore pioneering technologies that harness the power of the universe itself and tap into the immense potential of clean, sustainable energy sources. From mind-bending theories of zero point energy extraction to the awe-inspiring innovation of water-powered vehicles, we'll unravel the mysteries, debunk the myths, and showcase the groundbreaking research propelling us towards a future of energy abundance and environmental harmony. Brace yourself for an electrifying experience that will spark your imagination, redefine the boundaries of possibility, and inspire you to join the renewable revolution. "Energy Independence" is your gateway to a world where limitless energy and eco-friendly transportation reshape our future. Let's rumble together towards a brighter, greener, and truly enlightened tomorrow!

John Titus The Importance of Central Bank Independence


President Joe Biden wrote a memo: The Importance of Central Bank Independence. It says: "nearly all advanced economies and many developing countries are now governed by independent central banks" James Corbett talks to returning guest John Titus about his new documentary series,The War for Bankocracy. Titus' documentary details the US Federal Reserve's recent push to escape its constitutional restraints, what such a move would mean, and why the bankers must be stopped before they achieve their Bankocracy. Join the Weekly Video Call Call 305-333-1925

InterdependenceDay Every Day🌎☯️🤑💥🚀💖 ...the Road to RONBO!


X2 is a gift to us out of nowhere, the gift is big because it works brilliantly by smart contract, without human intervention. Could it be that; only now the codes of X2 and BTC functions as envisioned, and are really only complete together (since Nov. 13th. '23). Could it be Satoshi again... 🤔🙃🤣 Is the entirety of his vision suddenly coming into play...🤔🙃🤣 Or S.Mavrodi has thoughly inspired some one!!!🤔🙃🤣 Happy X2🌎☯️🤑💥🚀💖 Team is out SOC is in! (Self Organising Collective) We are 100% responsible, Hawaiian Ho'opono'pono, Thank You, I love You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Forgive Myself. We Were Fooled, In More Ways Than Only Few Of Us Really Knows, We Are On A Mission To Save Our Selves On An Incomprehensible Level In A Most Spectacular Way Because There Is A Plan Enough Of This BS Now We Must Learn And Catch Up And Act Responsibly According to Learned Information Order of actions considering different involvement levels. X2 or MMM member grows personal account as per rules of each of them. X2 is next level/latest donation technology therefore recommend even more than MMM, if someone should only choose to make one choice. This is level one participation. Level two participation is being responsible for bringing newcomers onboard at limitless or almost limitless scale, depending on which donation network. Level three participation. Serious selfmastery training, further training as per circumstances, Leaders Overview and Interaction. Participation level is an individual choice. Peace Begins With Me Together We Can Do A Lot🌎☯️🤑💥🚀💖 \ o / SOC - 'InterdependenceDay Every Day',,,,,🎊🎉🌞✨🎇🎆🎁

a photo*graphic experience


Visual Independence is an online photo channel located within the Bock-Schroeder Foundation Eco System. First launched in Paris in 2010, Visual Independence showcased rare and highly regarded fine art photography of the 20th century. Since that time Visual Independence has been mediating premium photographic works as a link between artists, administrators, museums, gallery owners, collectors, and enthusiasts of rare photographic prints. The Visual Independence channel showcases three extraordinary, rare, and collectible photos per day.