Caveman's Journey

1 Follower

Welcome to 'Caveman's Journey,' where we venture from the past into the digital present. I'm Tony, your fellow explorer in this vast world of content creation. With just basic tools, and a thirst for knowledge, join me, as we navigate the evolving landscape of video making, and storytelling. This channel is about learning together, uncovering new skills, and embracing new adventures. Subscribe to share in the discoveries and insights, and begin our journey together, one step at a time...

Caveman Hikes


Welcome to the dark frontier. We are "barely survivalist" outdoorsmen. Hiking and caving with my nephew, Jacob and other friends. Ultimately, our adventures are about humility, courage and individual responsibility. We do not encourage watching our videos endlessly nor to follow our exact footsteps into caving. Rather, we hope you are inspired to discover your own life adventures. Though we are blessed and flattered by those watching, our goal is to have no subs and no views. We want to be inspiration, not entertainment. Just turn it off and walk away. You can do it!