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24hr Boss


24hr Boss is a channel tailored specifically for aspiring content creators just like you! We will delve into the world of podcasting, graphic design, video production/editing, and content creation. We understand that success extends beyond technical skills which is why we also tackle the subjects of personal growth, mindset development, leadership, and conquering self-doubt. Get ready to be amazed by our guests and from riveting interviews with influential creators from various niches. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced creator looking to refine your creativity 24hr Boss will empower you and give you the inspiration you need to excel as a creator. Subscribe now and let's embark on this journey together.

LISTEN Tech Boss


This channel was created to explore how our emotions affect what we experience & create in life, and how the "powers that be" use our lack of knowledge concerning this subject to push us into corners we don't want to be in. I discuss a powerful, innate technology we all have to heal trauma in the body and self-defeating beliefs that keep us in the cycle of dysfunction. LISTEN Tech is Badass bc you can use it anywhere to deal with anxiety, anger, fear etc., rather than needing to be at home in a quiet space to benefit from it. Negative emotions, thoughts & beliefs play a far greater role in our daily lives than we want to acknowledge, they are the root cause for the negative experiences we have, our difficulty in connecting to others and believe it or not, much of the illness & injuries we suffer can be reversed by addressing the emotions we carry. Lastly, as mentioned before, I look at how the players at the top manipulate our emotions to produce the outcomes they seek. It's the missing key to understand the current world of chaos we live in & how we can take back control. I hope you'll come with an open mind, apply LISTEN Tech & experience the physical difference in the way you Feel, which will have a positive impact on your personal lives & the world/future we're creating for our children.