Beautiful environment of the village. Green trees, fruits, flowers, birdsong, green environment,


A village is a small settlement usually found in a rural setting. It is generally larger than a "hamlet" but smaller than a "town." Some geographers specifically define a village as having between 500 and 2,500 inhabitants. In most parts of the world, villages are settlements of people clustered around a central point. Everything in our village:👇👇👇 ★Surrounded by greenery. ★Different crops in the field. ★Bird calls from tree to tree. ★Only green and green. ★The pure air of the village touches the heart. ★The call of the birds in the trees, ★The forest ★The ceremony of small flowers from place to place. ★Beautiful village

Mis and Dis free. only Thisinformation.


Thrusateliteyes focuses on official Satellite images available to anyone and everyone. You will see how the weather appears to be modified throughout the world. Chemtrails are the main focus. There is no Misinformation or Disinformation. Only Thisinformation via satellite along with my personal comments and opinions. Please feel free to comment. Perhaps you can answer my questions or give voice to your own personal experiences of weather modification and the various techniques deployed to control where and who gets what and when. Subscribe should you wish to be notified when my next video lands. Please feel free to share. Thank you for checking out my videos.