Only a Knowledgeable and Open Mind Can Set You Free


Most of the videos on my channel are from other's very hard work, but I sometimes do my own videos. I watch every single video I upload. If it's a long one, I make notes, so just ask me for them. I always provide the link to the original creator if I have it. My goal is to bring you the truth about who controls our world, Agenda 21, the scamdemic, and how you CAN make a difference. I am a truther activist who's goal is to wake other people up to what is going and TAKE ACTION, otherwise that's it for humanity! I have been studying the truth since 2015 and unlearning the lies that the evils have spread through the school system, religion, news, the government, and even the workplace. In 2018/2019, I started to put the pieces together, to come up with a more complete picture, but that picture is always evolving as I learn more. The bottom line is that we NEED to take action NOW, otherwise humanity WILL die and I'm NOT exaggerating. Will you come join us?