Beyond the Pandemic


Beyond the Pandemic is an eye-opening series designed to break the silence, reveal true stories, and share solutions to help us get beyond the pandemic. The production of the series is a grassroots response to loud cries from the community for more balance and inclusion from mainstream media regarding all conversations about the pandemic. As a result, the series we are producing will encourage objective conversations, share real-life experiences and provide tangible solutions that reflect the diversity present in communities all around the world.



Q sent me, WE ARE THE NEWS NOW! EVERYTHING we have ever been taught, about ANYTHING, is complete and utter fabrication - YOU WILL BE WITNESS! Doing my bit for The Great Awakening. A dedicated truther, facilitating exposure of the nefarious goings-on of the Deep State from the Arctic to America to Africa to Antarctica, 1 Normie @ a time... Keep an open mind as you extricate yourself from the Matrix and descend the rabbit hole... The real truth is exploding, minute by minute, onto the Alternative Media Platforms - Take a deep dive and question everything. The global Fakestream Media machine has been infiltrated everywhere and is disseminating a scripted narrative/pantomime, in order to wake you up - "You'll Love How This Movie Ends." - PDJT Trust the PLAN, Hold the LINE - Emergency Broadcast System incoming... This channel is intended expressly for red-pilling and not for monetary gain or marketing of any kind. RED-PILLING; To cause (someone) to have their perspective dramatically transformed, especially by introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation. Reference to a scene in the 1999 film The Matrix, in which the protagonist is offered the choice between taking a blue pill that will restore his ordinary experience of reality and a red pill that will reveal its true nature.

Spikeflammation - Dealing with the aftermath of the COVID Pandemic


Welcome to the Spikeflammation video channel, where Dr. Marcum sheds light on the intricacies of Spike protein-related complications, offering a comprehensive understanding of their impact on human health. Engage with our channel and gain exclusive access to cutting-edge information, research breakthroughs, and actionable insights that empower you to confidently navigate this complex landscape. Subscribe now to embark on a journey of discovery, enlightenment, and proactive health management alongside Dr. Marcum.

Censored by Youtube: Perspectives on the Pandemic


Publication date 2020 Topics #Perspectives on the Pandemic, #Journeyman Pictures, #Coronavirus, #Covid19, #Covid-19, #Covid 19, #Corona Virus, #Pandemic, #Plandemic, #Plannedemic, #Scamdemic, #UnlawfulLockdown, #MedicalCensorship, #HealthCensorship, #CensoredByYoutube, #CensoredScientists, #CensoredDoctors, #David Katz, #John Ioannidis, #Knut Wittkowski, #Sam Husseini, #Matt Stoller, #Judy Mikovits, #Robert Kennedy Jr, #LetTheScienceSpeak, #ModernDayBookBurning, #StopBitBurning, Language English