Guns, Gear, and Second Amendment News (Uncensored) Verified


Advocating for the Second Amendment freedoms of Americans is our number one thing. - Interviews with firearms rights advocates. - Updates on the fight to safeguard the Second Amendment. - Gun and gear reviews About comments: Comments are welcome. That said, I believe in being respectful of others, so "trolling" comments; comments that contain profanity, sexually explicit material or personal attacks; and off-topic comments that have nothing to do with firearms or firearms related subjects will be deleted. Visit my blog for articles on guns and gun related stuff at All content on this channel is under Copyright © 2024 by KBTN Inc. All rights reserved #904301

Four Boxes Diner Second Amendment


The Four Boxes Diner serves up hot, fresh Second Amendment news and analysis. You’ll get the inside scoop from constitutional attorney Mark W. Smith, a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, a professor, a frequent Fox News guest, and a New York Times bestselling author. Mark's books include The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, First They Came for the Gun Owners, and Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting, and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back. To defend your liberty, you need to understand the “four boxes” of American liberty: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammunition box. We give you the information you need, and we hope to serve as your source for Bill of Rights news and analysis. Use of this channel and the viewing of its videos are subject to the Disclaimers set forth in the videos and on

Jamie McIntyre - Founder of Australian National Review


Jamie McIntyre is a successful entrepreneur, investor, sought after coach, internationally renowned speaker and world-leading educator, hosting on his stage some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and individuals. He is the Founder of 21st Century Education, the news site the ‘Australian National Review’ and also the author of numerous globally applauded publications such as the best-selling books ‘What I Didn’t Learn At School But Wish I Had’ and ‘Think & Grow Rich For The 21st Century’.

Dream Body Clinic Verified

357 Followers is the top destination for mesenchymal stem cell procedures. Our clinic is located at the San Javier Hospital in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Direct flight to Puerto Vallarta Airport which is 15 minutes from the clinic. Dream body Clinic uses Stem Cells to treat the following conditions: Knee repair, anti-aging, type 2 diabetes, lupis, COPD, Fibromyalgia, anti-aging, Lupus and any other autoimmune disease. We are committed to your health and our placenta stem cells will have you feeling great. We have 100 million stem cell IV treatments that come with a 45 million stem cell implant. We have 50 million stem cell IV treatments that come with a 45 million stem cell implant. We have 22 Million stem cell injections, 5 million aesthetic stem cells for facial restoration or hair restoration and 10 million osteo stem cells for knee repair, shoulder repair, back repair, spinal repair and more. (833) 445-9089

Jamie Tree


A financial and digital minimalist attempting to retire young. A blend of self-improvement, finance and adventure videos. Join me on my journey. The videos we make on this channel focus largely around various types of investments - ASX stocks, US based stocks as well as cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. We analyse and look at various other analysts and figures in the space, look at how they are valuing investments and analyse and predict ourselves. We also throw in some humour videos of when people get it wrong, missing investments or missing the mark. (See Mark Cuban Bitcoin and Ethereum predictions and Ray Dalio Bitcoin predictions ;) ) Enjoy my videos and have a great day! - Jamie Tree "He who works all day, has no time to make money."

Canhoto Armamentista


Seja bem vindo ao canal do Canhoto Armamentista! (eu não tinha nome melhor pra batizar o canal) O objetivo deste canal é trazer entretenimento e informações para todas as pessoas que se interessam por armas, técnicas de tiro, testes balísticos e legislação. Alguns vídeos serão informativos, outros voltados para comentários e por último mas não menos importante, muitos vídeos conterão sarcasmo e bom humor. Se tiver dificuldade de classificar o conteúdo que viu no canal basta deixar nos comentários que responderei assim que possível. Sobre comentários: Seja livre para comentar suas opiniões, inclusive aquelas que forem contrárias às expostas aqui. Se puder ser bem educado, não perca a oportunidade. Se não puder tudo bem! Só não espere o mesmo de mim ok? Aceitamos inscrições de canhotos, destros e ambidestros, seja na habilidade motora ou visão política.

Game N Chat Verified


Pretty new to this :D So sorry for my noobness. \\\\nI want to use this channel to do letsplays of different games. Maybe Interview different people and talk about anything. \\\\n\\\\nSend me a message if you want to be interviewed while we play a game together. :) \\\\n\\\\n❤ If you want to support me, feel free to like ,share and subscribe :) also, Rumbles tokens is also welcome :D \\n \\\\n\\\\nAlso, here are my crypto addresses too BTW :) ❤ \\\\n\\\\nBTC: bc1q0j7fjtlfpctdps4u60t7qu5t8dc46rngdtdffq \\\\n\\\\nETH or LINK: 0x9154Ba3799f2640e67B07F779F66B6d97aBEA2a2 \\\\n\\\\nADA: addr1qyzp9usm79nz89l8tkq70vh4wr0ejxt2g9apecjsq0ce5ksyztephutxywt7whvpu7e02uxlnyvk5st6rn39qql3nfdq42mek7