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Racquel Shelby


Greetings, my beloved star 🌟child family! I AM Racquel🧚🏽‍♀️💫. I am a ✨Intuitive Reader🃏, Medium, 🔮 Writer ✍🏾 , and Creative🎬. Subscribe to my Patreon for FREE where "Justice Tarot" is exclusive. I uncover case mysteries per your suggestions. My Patreon offers readings, audio blogs, personal videos, and more. THIS CHANNEL INCLUDES TAROT READINGS!! DON'T PUT ME IN A BOX! Evolve and expand with me. Every Soul Has a Spiritual Journey and its Own Story. I show up as the "I AM" ...my authentic self and share with you. Welcome to Racqi Road TV where we laugh, learn, brainstorm, and expand our consciousness together!❤️ Check out my website https://www.racqiraodtv.com For legal purposes, all videos are general readings. Viewers are solely responsible for how they interpret the readings. Racqi Road TV/ Divine Intuitive Guidance takes NO RESPONSIBILITY for individual viewer interpretation, action, or behaviors. The channel is not to be used in place of professional advice whether legal, medical, business or financial.