70 FollowersTaking back the country, one location at a time, one day at a time.
63 FollowersThis channel is a way for me to get my thoughts out about what is happening in the world today, with some memories of yesterday and some speculation about tomorrow.
Tennessee's Conservative Activist
39 FollowersChild of God | Husband | Father | Son | Brother | Constitutional Conservative | Podcast Host | Navy Veteran | Nemesis of the Good Old Boys | Truth Teller
31 FollowersAggressiveActivists
21 FollowersConservativeActivist
20 Followersactivistpost
14 FollowersActivists
14 FollowersDriving Global Decolonization 🌍 | Advocates for Human Rights 🌻 | Uniting for a Free 🇵🇸 & Liberated Africa and 🌎 | Sharing ≠ Endorsing
13 Followerskidactivist47
11 FollowersCitizen Activist Reporter
11 FollowersHighlighting grassroots volunteers and groups sharing their efforts to inspire others to get involved in saving our country and freedoms. If WE don't create the news from the trenches, the vacuum will be filled with America's worst enemy: fake news. Get inspired, get involved!
Constitutional Activist
10 FollowersHeehawactivist
10 Followersunotheactivist
8 FollowersThe Accidental Activist
7 FollowersTimely updates to local political environment, especially Board of Education and Current Events
5 FollowersPOLITICAL ABSURDITY! People losing in video games for political reasons
5 FollowersPOLITICAL ABSURDITY! People losing in video games for political reasons: Last 5000 games, people lost on purpose because they don't like that I love Jesus Christ, God of love
4 FollowersPublic Service
4 FollowersAriel Wright, COVID Activist, Public Service- Become a COVID Activist and Dispel the Official Narrative Propagated by Big Pharma Corporate Media Corruption. Follow and support our new spot on “Locals” (link below): Our COVID Activist Community movement shares scientific data, education, and research that “Fakebook” can’t remove anymore! Sharing factual information is shameful when it counters corporate pharmaceutical propaganda designed for the profit interests of the 1% that are heavily invested in the Blackrock Group and Vanguard, Inc. Follow and support us because our voices are much stronger together!
3 FollowersIntactivistAnonymous
3 FollowersActivist4Truth
3 FollowersNews, Politics, Current Affairs, Culture, Islam
Socialist Activists
2 FollowersSocialist Activists
2 FollowersCrazy Activists
2 FollowersNot An Activist
2 FollowersMy thoughts about things that I see emerging in the world we live in.
The Hyperpolyglot Activist
2 FollowersLanguage is a powerful tool. While some use it to inspire and connect, others weaponize it to deceive and manipulate. Learning languages is empowering and provides a passport to the world at large. This is particularly true of hyperpolyglots, people who speak ten or more languages. But none of the above matters. Unless we can use language to make the world a better place.
2 FollowersLa parola ai protagonisti dell'attivismo -Talks about Human rights from activists
2 FollowersCanale dedicato a interviste a protagonisti dal mondo della cultura controsistemica e alle info provenienti dal mondo dell'attivismo a sostegno dei diritti umani - Channel dedicated to information coming from the world of activism in support of human rights
1 FollowerUnoTheActivist
1 FollowerⒶctivists of Ⓐotearoa
1 FollowerActivism in Action :: Movement of the People
1 Followermamaqfactivist
1 FollowerDisclosureActivistUFO
1 FollowerSocial media activist gamer
1 FollowerThis channel is for fun and enjoyment
Funniest Activists
1 FollowerLIFE FUNNY PETS brings you funny cat and dog videos but also the funniest videos from the wild! Everyone is an animal lover, so why not stay, relax and enjoy our videos showing that animals are just as funny as people!
Christian activists for restoring Christian values to our society
1 FollowerThis site is intended to prepare us for the November 8th
1 FollowerDocumenting truth that msm does not show!