Baker's Green Acres Verified


See life on a small family homestead where we raise chickens, Mangalitsa pigs, dairy cow, beef cattle and more in a natural, regenerative way. Anyone Can Farm! And you can accelerate your own homesteading or small farm skills in the online and on-farm classes we offer. Enjoy the information we offer here, and contact us or check out our website to learn how you can dive deeper into the homestead and small farm skills. We do offer livestock and farm products from time to time to help you start your farm or homestead experience OR to help you start enjoying the benefits of real farm-raised food. How to Homestead

Simple Acre Homestead


Hello Everyone We are Bert and Cindy. We are a family with 4 children and are living a simple life on just under 1 acre in South Western Ontario, Canada. Bert works full time outside of the home and Cindy homeschools our 4 children. Together we are homesteading our little piece of property by incorporating back to Eden permaculture gardening; raising smaller livestock from poultry/rabbits to larger animals like KuneKune pigs and Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Our goal is to become more and more self-sufficient and give our family a secure place to call home. Please subscribe and join us as we learn on this journey. For all enquiries please email us at

Sacred Cow Shipyards


NOTE: This is largely a backup channel for . Comments here will mostly not be monitored. Here we take a serious, quasi-historical, (mostly) sober look at some of the most famous ships, vessels, installations, and other such things from science fiction and science-fiction-adjacent content. There will definitely be colorful language on account of me being a dockmaster. I will definitely say mean things about your favorite ship. You will /definitely/ end up offended. Get over it already. If you'd like to support this craziness, see here: Backup channel here:$/invite/@SacredCowShipyards:a

Sacred Knowledge Tarot


Welcome my beautiful friends! My name is Rhea and I'm the creator of Sacred Knowledge Tarot. I have long been on a journey of self-actualization, having spent the first two decades of my working life as an entrepreneur and a manager in the dental industry. The biggest lesson I've learned is when you're consistent and you commit to not giving up, then you can achieve just about anything! After launching Sacred Knowledge Tarot my continued inspiration comes from taking my abilities to combine storytelling, readings and guidance to another level by formulating plans to enrich the lives of others.

The Book of Jude: The Acts of the Apostates - A Modern Day Clarion Call by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Verified


The book of Jude is a wake-up call to those on the brink of apostasy or exposed abundantly to it. Don\\\'t let the opportunities of God be treated with complacency. The saints of God are kept ones in Christ; He is able to keep us and present us faultless. Even if you are on the brink, keep yourself in the love of God. Don\\\'t let another day pass without thanking God for His grace, His mercy, and His love.

Vocea Creștinilor


Vocea Creștinilor este o Asociație Media Creștină care are ca scop producerea, editarea, promovarea și distribuirea de materiale scrise, (literatură) audio și video de promovare a valorilor și principiilor creștine, organizarea de acțiuni menite să promoveze valorile și principiile creștine. Prin platforma Vocea Creștinilor dorim să aducem voci din lumea creștină (pastori, evangheliști, învățători biblici, misionari) care să proclame, să învețe și să promoveze Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu și valorile creștine. Donația ta ne ajută să mergem mai departe, ducând proiectele pe care le-am început să fie în continuare o binecuvântare pentru tine: dialoguri, interviuri, știri, articole, motivaționale, anunțuri, etc. Platforma Youtube, Aplicațiile, Radio Online, Website, Vocea TV si Social Media, sunt canale prin care putem răspândi Vestea Bună! Îți mulțumim pentru implicarea ta! Dumnezeu să îți răsplătească! Ciprian Luca