The Untold Truth


The purpose of my channel is NOT to create new content but to preserve the work of others as Youtube continues its book burning of ideas and information that are contrary to theirs. I make ZERO claims to the creation of the videos I upload. Take everything you see and already know with a grain of salt. Research on your own, think for yourselves, do not let the mainstream think for you. Come to your own conclusions. Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers I can't question. - Richard Feynman It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -Mark Twain

The Truth Must Be Told


On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays The Truth Must Be Told podcast looks at current events from a Biblical point of view. You see, in the current affairs of the world, we are looking at the end of times and it is important to know how the news of the day fits into Biblical prophecy. Christians have concerns much like anyone else and the podcast will give you something to think about to make informed decisions and reinforce the blessed Hope of His return. We'll have some fun as well, so join in to each podcast.

Truth Be Told Paranormal


Truth Be Told is a collective of podcasts all covering the paranormal genre, which includes the Minuteman Report on Mondays with Robert Hensley, Le Verdad Se Habla (Spanish Language) on Tuesdays with Meta4, Transformation on Wednesdays with Bonnie Burkert, and the original live 1-hour radio/webtv show with host and founder Tony Sweet - all shows air at 3:00 PM PT. We seek answers from the world's leading experts in the field of UFO investigations, abductions, the Paranormal, secret societies, and historical moments and figures in history. We invite our listeners to learn and create their own truth based on each show’s content.



Seeking information about your spiritual challenges? Need an uplift, a word of knowledge, a prophetic word, reconciliation to the one true God, and other inspirational information? Saved back in 1997, Nicholl McGuire brings to you a wealth of information based on personal and Christian experience, research and interviews. A background in journalism and communications, this certified Sunday school teacher has written articles and books. Be moved to do something about the issues you face: relationship, business, spirituality, parenting, and more. Religious denomination not necessary, but faith is a must! Nicholl is a believer in the Father (Old Testament), His Son Jesus (New Testament) and the Holy Ghost left behind by the Messiah according to the Book of Acts. Those who feel led to bless, thank you. This channel is for educational and entertainment purposes. Seek a professional for serious concerns. Material discussed does not reflect all views of the speaker and her associates.