

Citizens for Truth have prepared the "Investigation into Criminal Allegations Concerning Covid 19 Response". The investigation is entirely based on information that has been publicly provided by Statistics Canada. Our continuing mission is to distribute the Investigative Report to the widest possible audience to make plain to all Canadaians that the actions taken by the Government and their associated mandates and declarations were not justified, based on the actual data reported by Statistics Canada. We are continuing to investigate additional topics related to C19, and support a variety of Freedom Groups by providing information, guidance and a toolkit of materials that support their ongoing efforts.

Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.


As the Left takes the reigns of power, this channel will focus on providing content that is both relevant to exposing the hypocrisy, corruption and abuse of the Left, plus keeping our subscriber informed on current conservative news. We will not use content that attempts to deceive, but rather publish content that is data driven and fact checked by our editors. We believe in using the scientific method for assembling data to solve social challenges of today. Hence the reason for our channel name: The Truth. "Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it." MAIMONIDES As Google and other media giants continue to censor conservative content even more, we will respond by fighting to get the facts to you nonetheless.