God's Heart TV


God’s Heart TV is an international Christian ministry based in North Wales, UK. After serving as a disciple in the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) for seventeen years, Brother Chris launched the online channel in January 2022 – under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God’s Heart TV will initially be focused on ministering ‘Interactive Prayer’ to people all over the world as well as sharing God’s Word and engaging in humanitarian projects.

King David - A Man After God's Own Heart


David is described in the Old Testament as king of Israel and Judah. In the Books of Samuel, David is a young shepherd boy who gains fame first as a musician and later by killing the giant enemy champion Goliath. He becomes a favorite of King Saul and a close friend of Saul\'s son Jonathan. Worried that David is trying to take his throne, Saul turns on David. After Saul and Jonathan are killed in battle, David is anointed as King. David conquers Jerusalem, taking the Ark of the Covenant into the city, and establishing the kingdom founded by Saul. As king, David commits adultery with Bathsheba, leading him to arrange the death of her husband Uriah the Hittite. David\'s son Absalom schemes to overthrow David. David flees Jerusalem during Absalom\'s rebellion, but after Absalom\'s death he returns to the city to rule Israel. Because David shed much blood, God denies David the opportunity to build the temple. Before his peaceful death, he chooses his son Solomon as successor. He is honored in the prophetic literature as an ideal king and the forefather of a future Messiah, and many psalms are ascribed to him. David\'s life was full of joys and heartaches. With unbreakable faith and horrendous sin. But all in all God labeled him "As a man after My own heart." This series asks and answer\'s the question "What about David earned him that title and honor?" And how can you learn to be seen that way by God.

God's Heart TV Deutsch


Dies ist der offizielle YouTube-Kanal von God's Heart TV. God's Heart TV ist ein internationaler christlicher Dienst mit Sitz in Nordwales, Großbritannien. Nachdem er siebzehn Jahre lang als Jünger im Dienst des Propheten TB Joshua in der Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) gedient hatte, startete Bruder Chris den Online-Kanal im Januar 2022 - unter der Führung des Heiligen Geistes. God's Heart TV wird sich zunächst darauf konzentrieren, Menschen auf der ganzen Welt mit "interaktivem Gebet" zu dienen, Gottes Wort zu verbreiten und sich in humanitären Projekten zu engagieren.

God's Heart TV Español


Este es el canal oficial de YouTube de God’s Heart TV Español. God’s Heart TV (El Corazón de Dios en español) es un ministerio cristiano internacional establecido en el norte de Gales, Reino Unido. Después de servir como discípulo en el ministerio del Profeta T.B. Joshua en La Sinagoga, Iglesia de Todas las Naciones (SCOAN) durante diecisiete años, el Hermano Chris lanzó el canal en línea en enero de 2022, bajo la guía del Espíritu Santo. God’s Heart TV se centrará inicialmente en ministrar 'Oración Interactiva' a personas de todo el mundo, como también en compartir la Palabra de Dios y participar en proyectos humanitarios.

God's Hearts Carriers Verified

1 Follower

‘God's Heart Carriers’ is a family, started by Dawn Baker, based on Ezekiel 36:26, committed to carrying the heart of God, LOVE, to the world. Refusing to judge, we love intentionally, just as God has loved us, that “while we were sinners Jesus Christ died for us”. We endeavor, with intentionality, to be a SAFE PLACE where LOVE abounds, NOT judgement. 'God's Heart Carriers' is expanding to be 'A Storehouse'. You will now be able to sow here into rich soil guaranteeing a harvest. Tithing is Old Covenant (Malachi 3:10) and we are NOT bound to the old; we Live and Function in THE NEW, the Law of LOVE. Harvest requires sowing seed and sowing into rich soil, soil God is honored and honoring. Paypal info: PDawnBaker Religious spirits will NOT be tolerated. Religion and JESUS are NOT synonymous; the Religious of Jesus day were His nemesis. We strive to be about The Father's business, following Jesus example, carrying HIS HEART. We are THE MANY SONS, Hells worst nightmare!

God’s Heart Our Mission Ministries

1 Follower

God’s Heart Our Mission is a non-denominational and Bible-based Christian Blog aimed at spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. As a God-driven and Christ-centered entity our vision is built upon the foundations of God’s Great Commission, found in the book of Matthew 28:16-20 which reads: "Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Our mission is geared towards maintaining the five-fold ministry frame-work in serving all nations and transforming lives through Jesus Christ to the glory of God. As ambassadors of Christ, we are passionate about sharing the Gospel through teaching, discipleship and bearing witness to Christ Jesus. Under the authority of Scripture and observing the teachings of Jesus, we are committed to equipping the body of Christ for carrying and continuing His mission here on earth.