Banners 4 Freedom - Psalm 20:5 Verified


Due to a totally corrupt media and inept government, we put up our first banner in Bonham, Texas on November 1st, 2021. Little did we know it would quickly turn into a nation wide billboard campaign fueled by We The People. We have raised over $500,000 allowing us to put up 250+ outdoor billboards in 35 states, 500+ indoor billboards in over 400 venues, bus benches, mobile digital trucks and giant billboard in Times Square for 10 months! On April 26th, 2023, we were given a new assignment to help organize the First Landing 1607 Project where we Re-Covenanted this nation back to God at the original First Landing site in Virginia Beach, VA. This was a historic event and a transition moment for our country. Our most recent assignment, the Remnant Revolution Tour, started back on 2.22.2022 where we received a prophetic word on how we would be traveling in RV’s across the country. Over the next year, through many confirmations, dreams and visions, we knew we had to do something. The official announcement was made at the First Landing 1607 event. We launched on May 27th, 2023, out of Collinsville, TX where we are traveling in a convoy with We The People, the Remnant, around the United States from Pentecost to the Feast of Tabernacles taking a message of truth, hope and revival to the nation. We have entered the time of a Great Spiritual Awakening where the Lord Jesus is establishing His Kingdom here on earth. We are taking authority over the tools and people the enemy has used to propagate his lies and are Raising a Banner and Remnant of Truth in its place. With Him nothing is impossible! To God be the Glory! Robert & Jaime’ Agee

20-Minutes of Revelation Verified


THE BOOK OF REVELATION has been shrouded in mystery ever since it was first authored in the 1st century AD. Many turn away from it like a badly written sci-fi novel, frustrated at it's symbology & puzzling metaphors. In series 20-MINUTES OF REVELATION, Matt & Joy will break down some of the more complex ideas in the book. Each 20 minute episode will introduce you to deep understanding of how the symbols work with & compliment the world found in the Old Testament. You'll walk away from each episode with a much deeper understanding of this beautiful, ancient book. After all, it's not called "The Book of Confusion"! Let the REVELATION begin!



Q sent me, WE ARE THE NEWS NOW! EVERYTHING we have ever been taught, about ANYTHING, is complete and utter fabrication - YOU WILL BE WITNESS! Doing my bit for The Great Awakening. A dedicated truther, facilitating exposure of the nefarious goings-on of the Deep State from the Arctic to America to Africa to Antarctica, 1 Normie @ a time... Keep an open mind as you extricate yourself from the Matrix and descend the rabbit hole... The real truth is exploding, minute by minute, onto the Alternative Media Platforms - Take a deep dive and question everything. The global Fakestream Media machine has been infiltrated everywhere and is disseminating a scripted narrative/pantomime, in order to wake you up - "You'll Love How This Movie Ends." - PDJT Trust the PLAN, Hold the LINE - Emergency Broadcast System incoming... This channel is intended expressly for red-pilling and not for monetary gain or marketing of any kind. RED-PILLING; To cause (someone) to have their perspective dramatically transformed, especially by introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation. Reference to a scene in the 1999 film The Matrix, in which the protagonist is offered the choice between taking a blue pill that will restore his ordinary experience of reality and a red pill that will reveal its true nature.

📀Consciousness: 20 Scientists Explore the Toughest Question (2003) - Archive

5 Followers Disc 1 1- Dr. Stuart hameroff, M.D. 2- David Chalmers, Ph.D. 3- Nancy J. Woolf, Ph.D. 4- W. Britton, U.A. Tucson Disc 2 1- Dick Bierman, Ph.D. 2- Jack A. Tuszynski, Ph.D. 3- Dr. Andrew Newberg 4- Chester Wildey. M.Sc. Disc 3 1- Paavo Pylkkanen, Ph.D. 2- Dean Radin, Ph.D. 3- Tony Bell, Ph.D. 4- C. Seiter, U. Freiburg Disc 4 1- Dr. Steven Sevush 2- Dr. Petra Stoerig, Ph.D. 3- Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. 4- Susan Blackmore 5- Professor Youngman Disc 5 1- V. Ramachandran, Ph.D. 2- Gregg Rosenberg, Ph.D. 3- Ellery Lanier, Ph.D. 4- Adele Engel Behar 5- Lee Frank, Poet

the great Reset 20/21


Hier findet Ihr Hintergründe, Wahrheiten, Machenschaften über das Weltgeschehen, deren Drahtzieher und Hintergründe. Zusammenhänge und Verflechtungen der weltbeherrschenden NGO`S der Lobbyisten der Weltpolitik. Erkennt die Ziele der Elite und seht eure Gegenwart und eure Zukunft widergespiegelt in Aussagen der wirklichen Freien Presse, in den Verlautbarungen von wirklichen Experten und Menschen, die die Wahrheit erkannt haben und nicht den Mainstream-ideologien folgen.,