Kris "Tanto" Paronto


Kris Paronto - “Tanto” as he is affectionately known in security contracting circles - is a former Army Ranger from 2nd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment and a private security contractor who has deployed throughout South America, Central America, the Middle East and North Africa. He also worked with the US Government’s Global Response Staff conducting low profile security in high threat environments throughout the world. Kris was part of the CIA annex security team that responded to the terrorist attack on the US Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya on September 11th, 2012, helping to save over 20 lives while fighting off terrorists from the CIA Annex for over 13 hours. Kris and his fellow brothers-in-arms story is told in the book 13 Hours written by Mitchell Zuckoff.

Mister Trumpy TAP


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Pastel Tapas


Savoring the inspiration in the varied facets of life, I invite you to taste the joy of discovery, paired with the wonderful, creative outlet of pastel painting. My videos will take you to the places that inspire me, with the impressions and musings that connect my world with the wonderful medium of pastel. You will be delighted to see the photo references and videos that will take you right to the scene, and then watch as I demonstrate portions of each pastel painting. More than just an art demo, and more than simply a glimpse into the life of an artist; it’s a dynamic coalescing of the two, where the end result is a virtual walk into an artist’s mind. So, join me, pastel artist Debbie Harding - “like” my videos, and subscribe to this channel to become a part of the ongoing journey of Pastel Tapas. Thank you for your interest and valued support.

frases e meditação


Olá pessoal, sejam bem vindos ao canal "os biras". Canal voltado a, musica ambiente, música para dormir, música com frequência 432hz para cura, sons da natureza, sono profundo, estudo e relaxamento. Muito obrigado por escolher esse canal, é muito bom te ver aqui. Ao se inscrever, ative o sininho para receber novos vídeos Hello everyone, welcome to the channel "the biras". Channel dedicated to, ambient music, music for sleep, music with frequency 432hz for healing, sounds of nature, deep sleep, study and relaxation. Thank you so much for choosing this channel, it's great to see you here. When subscribing, activate the bell to receive new videos

Aprenda como fazer um TCC, Artigo, Dissertação ou Tese


Bem-vindo ao meu canal do YouTube! Aqui você encontrará dicas e orientações valiosas para ajudá-lo a concluir com sucesso o sua monografia, utilizando TCC em blocos,e a técnica TSAC. Nós abordamos tópicos relacionados à monografia, dissertação e tese, para que você possa se sentir seguro e confiante durante todo o processo de elaboração do seu trabalho acadêmico. Inscreva-se agora e acompanhe nossos vídeos para ajudar você a alcançar seu objetivo.

Tapping Into Miracles


EFT tapping videos, EFT tap-a-long videos, Emotional Freedom Technique videos *New to EFT Tapping? Get your FREE eBook: *Website: *Support my channel on *Music: *Legal Disclaimer: All information provided is meant to be educational in nature. It is not medical or psychological advice. Remember to use your own best judgement.