The Subvert Podcast


Welcome to the Land of No Easy Answers. We seek to unravel the mysteries of the mind, the vagaries of the universe, and all the connections between. From learning to friend again in the post-pandemic, to combining psychology with sock puppets, The Subvert Podcast is here to help explain the chaos, with more chaos. Join hosts Kristin Rumohr and Aaron Stewart as we attempt to unravel the mysteries of the mind and your universe, subverting the disconnect between perceived realities.

Dr Subverter


You are receiving a transmission from the Satelloon of Sanctum, my airborne lair of inviolable seclusion, where I overwatch the mundane terrain you call a world. I am Dr Subverter. I have a doctorate in conspiracy theory with a concentration in paranoia. Won't you join me for some refreshing mental tea and cookies of terrifyingly impervious logic. And perhaps, a lighthearted romp through other subversions now and again. My self-imposed mission is simple: SUBVERT the SUBVERSION! A Superlative Solar Day to you all, Dr Subverter