Metal Smasher Gaming


Hi, I'm MetalSmasher, and gaming has been a lifelong passion of mine, ever since the NES came out around the time I was born. And with the passion of video games comes the passion of recording video game walkthroughs and helping others through trouble spots. My parents bought our first NES for themselves around the time my brother was in kindergarten and I was just born, but as we grew up, we got sucked into it as well, and the rest is history. This channel will mainly focus on the nostalgia of the golden age of gaming, but I will go into the modern era as well to show off all eras of gaming as much as possible. I will also spice things up by doing self-imposed challenges, and playing random online matches with viewers, friends, and just randoms. Videos will be uploaded every day. One main series on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, another main series on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a one-off on Sundays, and random videos of whatever I feel like on Saturdays!

SmashingPillarsInternational Verified


Samuel Ramos, III is the Founder and President of Smashing Pillars International, a prophetic ministry he started in 2014 and is based in Houston, Texas. He ministers in prisons, churches, homes, and wherever God calls him to minister. His joy and passion in life are seeing people stuck in life because of traumatic experiences become unstuck and set free to dream again. Samuel is a gifted prophetic intercessor and watchman on the wall. God has used his prophetic gifting for over 20 years to bless countless people. Through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, he uses his own life’s stories of overcoming childhood trauma, bondages, addictions, as well as, great deliverances, successes, and massive victories only the Lord God could have achieved in his life. Samuel’s mission is to encourage others and to impart faith to believe God’s love towards them is unconditional. Samuel knows the day one is convinced of God's love for them is the day all things are possible.

Apex Legends News


Hello Friends! My name is Thordan Smash and on this channel I’ll be covering the latest Apex Legends news videos along live streams of Apex Legends. If you like my content be sure to like and subscribe as I upload videos almost every day with the longest span being every other day. If you have any videos you would like to be made please leave a comment under the videos and I would love to create that video for you. You can contact me on any of my socials listed with the links below! Enjoy the content!