Nicholas Veniamin Verified


Nicholas Veniamin, born London, UK on 17 March 1990, is a British independent journalist reporting news and opinions that the mainstream media fail to report due to their propaganda efforts. Nicholas began his passion and search for truth when he abandoned his top performing grades as a Law student after learning that his law school had compromised their human rights teachings during the 2020 pandemic. Nicholas then lost faith and confidence in the system and began to follow his truth in the political arena. Nicholas does not follow a left or right wing but rather advocates and supports the freedoms and human rights of all individuals. Nicholas Veniamin founded the show “NVTV” where he hosts interviews for those cancelled voices. Nicholas’s mission is to create a super power media machine where the truth will be told by whistleblowers and humanitarian individuals who wish to expose the truth for the betterment of humanity and our world. “When you wake people up we all become on the same side” - Nicholas Veniamin



My name is Amy. In 2020, I developed a hunger for God that lead me to become born again, baptized & delivered. While visiting Prophet Donna Rigney's church in 2022, I was prophesied over by Prophet Myles Kilby in the GLORY where Jesus poured oil on my head, said I had seen His Face in the secret place, my eyes were anointed to receive revelation & I later received the FIRE ANOINTING. Holy Spirit reveals scriptures to me each day about the time & season we are living in.



We are here to expose the lies of the fallen ones, arrest them under Jesus Christ's authority and to bring them to the foot of the throne of our King to be tried!!! 👇👇👇 2 CORINTHIANS 10:4-6 (decoded Greek paraphrase): For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful in the spirit and utilized for the destruction of fallen angel/occult/illuminati ideologies. We are destroying calculative deceptions and all exaltations of heavenly bodies (sun, moon, stars, planets...and worship, thereof) that attempt to elevate themselves against and above the fame of Yahweh, God and King of all. We are seizing, taking captive, arresting, and exposing every demonic and rebellious deception and place them at foot of the throne of Jesus Christ...our King! We are always ready to defend against and avenge these unto completion and the end of this age!

Holy Heartbeats


Hi, everyone! My name is Nathan and all I do is narrate Christ-centered testimonies from all over the world. Thank you for subscribing! Disclaimer: The testimonies shared on my channel are presented as they were received, and they reflect the personal experiences and perspectives of the individuals who have kindly shared their stories. I do not claim to verify or authenticate the events recounted in these testimonies. The content is intended to promote open dialogue and understanding, and I encourage viewers to approach these stories with an open mind. Thank you so much! Have a testimony to share? Please send us a message. 📩: "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." ~Psalm 91:1-2