Dr Robert O. Young Videos (Unofficial)


Dr Robert O. Young's video sources: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/ (Rob's main website) https://www.youtube.com /@RobertYoung555/videos (Youtube Official) https://rumble.com/user/DrRobertYoung (Rumble Official) https://odysee.com/@DrRobertYoung (Odysee Official) https://archive.org/details/dr.-robert-o.-young https://archive.org/details/the-p-h-miracle-balance-your-diet-reclaim-your-health-b-00-atswr-4-k ^Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health. https://archive.org/details/the-p-h-miracle-for-diabetes-the-revolutionary-diet-plan-for-type-1-and-type-2-d ^for Diebetes https://archive.org/details/the-ph-miracle-for-cancer-discover-the-truth-about-the-cause-prevention-treatmen ^for Cancer https://archive.org/details/robert-o.-young-shelley-redford-young-the-p-h-miracle-for-weight-loss-balance-yo ^ The PH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight ^ Audiobooks w/ PDF, EPUB, AZW3 "The pH Miracle Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health (2010 Revised)", "The pH Miracle for Diabetes (2010 Revised)", and The PH Miracle for Cancer: Discover the Truth about the Cause, Prevention, Treatments, and Reversal of ALL Types of Cancers." https://phmiracleproducts.com/ (Rob's store) https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/ (Detox products recommended by Rob) This is a fan created channel of Dr. Robert O. Young (unofficial).

Robito Chatwin


Hello! ツ My name is Robert (robito) Chatwin. I am a qualified hypnotherapist with a strong passion for deepening connection to our own subconscious, and a unique freedom-focused approach to healing. Our freedom comes from within. We are the heroes. We are the solution. We are the ones we are waiting for. Robito's freedom-focused work provides global support as we the people heal our wounds from past and current events and take back the power and control over our own lives. Go to http://robito.info ⚡️

Roberto Murillo


Hola, mi nombre es Roberto Murillo. Soy Técnico Universitario en Procesamiento Electrónico de Datos egresado de la Universidad José Cecilio del Valle y mi Carrera Profesional se basa en Administrar Sistemas Operativos para Ordenadores o Servidores con MS Windows, MS Windows Servers y GNU/Linux. También me baso en otros cargos tales como, Instalación de Red, Administración y Configuración Lógica de Equipos de Red, y Limpieza o Reparación del Hardware de Ordenadores o Servidores.